"Oh, uh, jag. I retrieved your notebook and it was written in it." She explained, handing me the said notebook letting me take it again with a new feeling of unease arousing an impressed nod of Noora."They are really impressive. Your drawings, I mean. "

"Yeah ... uh, they're just drawings. ." I answered modestly before clumsily emphasizing my bed as a suggestion before leaving a smirk as the blonde literally let fall on my bed with a lazy false yawn.

"Oh god, you don't even imagine how the last two days were boring. "

I sat awkwardly beside her, smiling slightly at her actions before agitating with my fingers on my thighs alerting the blonde as she straightened up slightly with a sharp look.

"You weren't in high school the last two days. "

"Yeah ... uh, I didn't feel very good." I answered with a slight shrug of my shoulders before making a visual contact with the blonde.

Her stormy gray eyes blended with my chocolate browns letting me bite my lower lip out of nervous habit.

"Did you know that girls who call other girls sluts have 90% more chance to get chlamydia?" Noora asked suddenly from nowhere taking me definitely off guard as I bent an eyebrow in confusion before leaving a breath of laughter.

I soon turned my head back to my door as my mother made her way back to my room with a cookie tray this time and two bottles of water.

" Thank you. " Gracefully accepted Noora letting me give her an knowing look since she probably had conquered my mother from now on without even knowing it.

"There you go, girls." She said as she put the plate on top of my bed before turning to me with a wide, loving smile. "You didn't tell me you had such a pretty and polite friend. "

I gave her a smile as I noticed a slight redness dyeing Noora's pale cheeks before shrugging my shoulders. "I forgot I guess ?"

"Well, I'll leave you for good this time." My mother snarled, giving us a wink on her way to the door.

Noora waited until she closed the door before turning to me with a wide, jovial smile. "Your mother is really cool. And magnificent. She looks like a top-model. "

"I think she was a model in her youth. "I accepted casually taking a cookie not realizing that Noora was looking at me with wide eyes in surprise until I made a confused visual contact with the blonde. "What ? "

" Nothing. So tell me a little more about you, Miss. These-are-just-drawings." She teased with malice before sniffing in amusement at the sight of a slight blush on my cheeks.

I took a bite from my cookie before swallowing my mouthful in thought as I turned to the blonde. "There's not much to say. I've been to Nissens for a year now and- "

"You're a second year ?" She exclaimed in surprise making me raise an eyebrow in curiosity now to her expression slightly disappointed. "I came from Madrid this year. I am first."

"Whoa, Madrid? Me encanta esta ciudad. » (I love this city.) I declared in a perfect Spanish surprising again the blonde as she gave me a broad, cheerful smile.

"You also speak Spanish? Oh my God, you're my best friend from now on. "

I let out a laugh at the blonde's enthusiast before leaving a faint smile on my lips as I realized fully what she had said letting my head down in shame. "You don't really want to be my friend. "

Noora frowned immediately before leaning over to give me a determined look. "Of course I want to be your friend. I'd be stupid if not. "

I left a smile on my lips at the nice words of the blonde since I was not really used to this kind of kindness.

The purest - Chris Schistad #WattPrideWhere stories live. Discover now