Entry #305 - Zombies and Bears

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(G305 28/01/2017 via Roll20 - AP(GM), JF, MJ) RL3

And so we entered the town of Barovia, myself, Mr B, Sylvia, Yli and Tie-Pie.

The first thing we saw, looming out of the fog between the buildings was what looked like three zombies. Sylvia used her spiritual powers to turn them away from us though and they ran off back into the murky streets.

Tie-pie then cast a Fireball spell that exploded above them, lighting up the mist in a most spectacular fashion. Meanwhile, off down a side alley Mr B had found an undead witch sort of thing and started worrying at it. Sylvia turned it as well, making it cower away from us in the dead end of the alley.

From the other direction came some strange large rat creatures, but they were no threat really as by this time I'd summoned up a squad of bears (giving the crocodiles a rest!) and they went and killed the witch and protected us from the rats. With the bears and the flaming sphere that Tie-Pie had summoned and the deadly arrows of Yli they were all soon dealt with.

Once things had settled down and all the undead were now properly dead, it seemed that Tie-Pie was in the mood for some mischief. A chaotic sort of fellow I think, and since I had been instructed to be more like him by my elders and betters I joined in the fun.

It started with him edging his sphere ever closer to me, enough to singe the corner of my cloak.

I stepped back, but he kept the sphere on me, so in return I ordered my bears to do a 'Bear Pile On'.

All five grappled him to the ground and jumped on him until he was under a massive pile of fur.

Well, after less than a minute the sphere and the bears dispelled and that was the end of that.

We carried on up the street and tried a door to our left. It contained two zombies which Tie-Pie and Yli quickly killed off with magical rays and arrows. I cast Hypothermia on one to finish it off. These were more powerful undead than your average zombie it appeared to me.

I decided it was best just to leave the doors alone and bid us all continue into the centre of town. Through the mist we saw a body lying on the road. As we got closer two large maggot type things rushed at us from the body and attacked.

As battle was joined, more undead nasties joined in, zombies from left and right and flying skulls (Vargouilles I think, like the ones we'd met in the Plane of Shadow). It was a full on assault as we shot back with arrows, magic, clerical magic and bears. There was so much going on that there was hardly any room to add yet more bears into the carnage so I simply struck out at the nearest enemies with my scimitar.

Tie-Pie shot the skulls out of the sky with his scorching rays and we rest took on the maggots and zombies. Once he'd dealt with the skulls Tie-Pie cast a Confusion spell in the direction of the remaining undead but the only thing he succeeded in confusing was poor Mr Badger.

He charged up and down the street at top speed, not knowing what to do, snapping at Tie-Pie whenever he rushed past him. In the end though, one of my bears killed the last dire maggot and Mr B recovered. The battle over, we continued on our way.

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