Entry #431 - Hammerhead Island

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(G431 21/11/2020 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM)) WA75

[And now to return once more to Fenrir and his campaign against the Vampires of Westgate.]

DAY 487 (2nd Flamerule)(july)

Today Fenrir went to work, and sat at his desk thinking about Nexelmode and the likelyhood that she was having his baby. He met with Veddic and got him to use a Sending Spell to contact her.

His message was:
Greetings Nexelmode. Fenrir here. Hope all is well. Ive been having odd dreams involving you, and wondered if all is normal. Not up the duff?

The reply came shortly:

I am the mother of the moon
sister of the stars
mother of the light in your eyes
I am powerful
Round with embryonic inherent

The reply was cryptic, but certainly seemed to suggest that what Fenrir suspected was true. He thought of going to visit her, but to what purpose? To slay her?

He decided to concentrate on work for today instead and put such unpleasant wonderings to one side for now. News reached him today concerning the 'The Knip Tanps Banditos'.
Some low level Night Mask's had been killed and the calling card of the Knips has been left (some pink underwear). He would ask Random about it later.

There was something else needing doing, so he went down to the Dockward to see about the ressurection of Sweetpea.
Her father was a drunk, but her mother worked as a clerk in an insurance office down by the harbour. Her name was Zetty Eggler, a hard put-upon woman. Fenrir talked to her and they agreed to meet later that evening at Sweetpea's grave. Zetty would take along her son Yolob.

It was raining when they got to the graveyard and the grave diggers, once they had exhumed the body, took it to a small chapel in the corner. Fenrir had laid on some food, but only the diggers ate much.

Veddic performed the ressurection. It took 10 minutes and cost 10,000 gold in diamond dust, but Fenrir hoped this would put his trouble with the Dock Ward to rest once and for all.

'I'm alive!' gasped Sweetpea as she rose from her coffin. She avoided Fenrir and went to her mother. Fenrir could not resist a lecture though and told her in no uncertain terms to make sure and never bother him again.

He then went home, then on to Spectre Island to speak to Random. Cavu was also there but on his way out.

'What's going on with the Knips?' was one of the questions he asked.
'That's us providing cover for your actions,' confided Cavu. 'Hopefully any dead Night Masks that turn up will be blamed on the Knips and not on you!'

Cavu was on his way out though, with a group of adventurers known as 'The Bold Company'. Famous in Westgate and up and down the Dragon Coast they must have cost a lot to hire.
As any reader of local chapbooks knows they consist of:

'Brunch' McPickles - a human male fighter
Sack 'the Porridger' Voldiez - a human male wizard
Sunfire Palebird - a half-elf female sorceress
Dorrick Steelblade - a dwarven female rogue
Hengis Stockpot - a halfling male ranger

'Bit of a suicide mission out to annoy the Eastern Vampires along the coast,' said Cavu. 'Ours is not to reason why though, as they say. Any bother and Random will help you out. He has my complete confidence.'

Fenrir arrived home at midnight.

DAY 488 (3rd Flamerule)(july)

Today Fenrir, in the line of duty, had to go sort out a bit of trouble in the Eastern Quarter. A magical duel had killed several bystanders.

A large crowd had gathered outside the house of Devon Von Strone, a well known and powerful wizard. Fenrir went in the house, pushing aside the crowd and the gargoyle that guarded the door.

Devon was in his study, drinking brandy, wearing a beanie with a tassle.
'I was fighting an evil-doer!' insisted Devon. 'You should thank me!'
'The people outside are pretty angry,' observed Fenrir.
'I've commited no crime!' replied Devon pompously. 'I've safe enough here from the rabble.'
'Who were you fighting?'
'One of those horrid old Gulway Witches,' was the response. 'Dark hearted bitch.'

Fenrir sighed and issued a verbal warning which was very much not graciously recieved then went outside to cool down the crowd. Even his smooth tongue was not enough and he had to promise a sum of 30 gold per victim as compensation.

Someone threw a rotten tomato at him, and Fenrir flew up into the air and chased the hooligan off, born aloft by demon-smoke wings.

Later at work, Portia told Fenrir of his next target - a pirate captain known as Hrarnok Sharkchum. He and his crew were weresharks and based on Hammerhead Island that lay 120 miles east of Westgate.

Fenrir had Sharkchum scryed. He was on the island, walking through a small town towards a tavern. He seemed to be treated like a king by the locals.

After work he searched around town for a map of the island which he eventually managed to find and buy. He also bought a magical folding boat and Raz bought a Bag of Holding which they then stuffed full of barrels of lamp oil.

DAY 489 (4th Flamerule)(july)

And off they went! Veddic and Raz on the magic carpet while Fenrir plodded along on his impressive, but pedestrian demonic wings.

Fenrir had his magic map so they were not in any danger of getting lost, but it was slow going.

As the sun set, they unfolded the magical boat and spent the night on it. Unluckily for them though, a thunderstorm brewed up, and while the boat was perfectly safe, Veddic and Raz spent the whole night being sick.

DAY 490 (5th Flamerule)(july)

Fenrir, Veddic and Raz spent another day flying east, and again camped out on the folding boat at the end of the day.

DAY 491 (6th Flamerule)(july)

In the morning, Veddic, who I swear must be drinking all the communion wine (as this was not the first time) remembered that he had a useful spell - Wind Walk.

Using this spell they could all waft along at 60 miles an hour and could have easily have got them to the island in a mere two hours from Westgate.

Fenrir gave the cleric a long look, but was glad that the final leg of the jeorney got them to the island first thing in the morning.

The map he had been given appeared to be accurate and after a while he found the secret pirate cave where he hoped Sharkchum would be.

He found and flew through some illusuionary rocks into a large cave. He was invisible, but as he flew towards where a ship was anchored a little dog started barking.

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