Entry #355 - You Can't Get the Staff

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(G355 26/05/2018 via Roll20 - AP, JF(GM)) WA32

DAY 340 (13th Alturiak)(February)

Fenrir, alone, served as the Day Air Watch of Westgate today.

Veddic went house hunting.

DAY 341 (14th Alturiak)(February)

Another day of Fenrir patrolling the skies above Westgate.

Veddic arranges the sale of the house on Wizard's Cut.

DAY 342 (15th Alturiak)(February)

Another day of Fenrir patrolling the skies above Westgate.

Veddic accepts the keys of the house on Wizard's Cut.

DAY 343 (16th Alturiak)(February)

Another day of work for Fenrir.

As well as ordering the Ring of Knock he had ordered some magical goggles of 'Spotting'.

They arrived today at Spectre Island. Random did not let on who had made them.

DAY 344 (17th Alturiak)(February)

As he flew over the city again in the morning, trying out his new glasses, Fenrir realised that even without them he was getting to know the city of Westgate very well. From the air at least. The morning traffic, the markets, the rhythm of the city, was laid out for him each day. He was now pretty familiar with the streets, alleys, grand houses and buildings of the entire city. He was almost at the stage of getting bored with it.

He was shaken out of his boredom when a gnome mounted on a decent sized dragon took off from the city and made to leave west. The gnome was impertinent when questioned and flew off at high speed when Fenrir demanded that he land. There was nothing Fenrir could do as he was limited to the walking speed of his magical wings.

When a sleet and rain storm closed in he went and talked to Trepplemar in her office. She said she would soon find some other people to join him so he wasn't on his own.

Back at Spectre Island he talked to Random who reminded him of the current quests that needed doing:

1. Get rid of Trepplemar from the watch

2. Go through the portal in the Plane of Shadow and see what the 'FAMP' looked like (Failed Alternative Material Plane)

3. Do the next thing in Random's war against the vampires

4. Investigate a pirate ship that was anchored east of the island.

Fenrir was not aware of the fourth item on Random's to do list, so Random took him up to the watchtower and pointed out the lights of the ship.

'It turned up a few days ago. I don't know who they are or what they want, but I should imagine they are curious as to what we are up to here. I can't let Barry's Gang go anywhere until that ship has gone. They might be aligned to one of the pirate factions or just be independents. Pirate politics is very fluid though. If you want you could fly over and check them out some time.'

Fenrir agreed.

'Well then,' continued Random. 'Have you a hat of disguise? Use mine if you don't. Go as another race or gender or something, we really would not like to advertise that a member of the Westgate watch is out here!'

Fenrir had the beginnings of an idea and went to the sick house on the island. A young adept called Uma was tending to the two sick men there.

One of the men had 'PSNBD' or 'Plane of Shadow Nasty Bum Disease' and the other had some sort of disease that had driven him crazy.

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