“I’m hurrying.” Calum sounds petulant at being rushed. Luke tries to stop himself from cursing him out. Calum puts the phone on speaker when Michael picks up, knowing how much the sound of his voice will help Luke.

“He’s in what?” Michael asks.

“Look, you need to get back. He literally smells like Fuck Me.”

Michael curses, and Luke whimpers and comes all over himself. The heat within him is only spurred on more, of anything, by his first orgasm. Not even seconds later, he’s kicking his sweatpants off from where they’re bunched around his knees, spreading his legs further. He rubs his middle finger over his hole, trying not to dwell on the fact that he’s basically soaked the bed with slick. He presses a finger into himself.

“I’m on my way right now.” Are Michael’s last words before he hangs up.

Luke groans, half in relief, half in pleasure, adding another finger to join the first. He clenches greedily around the two digits and hurries to add the third, choking out soft moans. He squirms against his hand, his cock dripping pre-come all over his stomach. He turns his head to the side, muffling his moans as best as he can into the sheets of the bed. Every muscle in his body seems to tense as he catches a whiff of Michael’s scent.

He hears him, his quick footsteps and commanding voice crystal clear in even through the haziness in his mind, as he presumably tells the other half of their band to get out for a few hours. As the front door clicks shut, the door to Luke’s bedroom is flung open, just as Luke shudders through his second orgasm, olfactory senses going into overdrive as Michael’s eyes rake over Luke’s body, taking every inch of him in. Michael is on the bed within seconds, pushing Luke’s sweaty hair out of his face and looking him in the eye.

“Could fucking smell you the second I opened the door. Before I opened the door.” Luke’s panting, the slickness between his thighs growing more pronounced, trickling down his legs.

“Michael,” Luke moans, curling his fingers against his spot, gripping his cock tighter. “Fuck, Michael.” He’s moaning uncontrollably, he can’t seem to stop it and he’d be embarrassed if it wasn’t for the fact that it’s Michael, and he trusts him, and he knows he’ll take care of him. Michael shifts against Luke and Luke feels his cock, hard and hot through his trousers, and he groans, canting his hips desperately towards the older boy, needed it in him now, fuck.

“Shh, baby. C’mere,” He soothes, voice thick and low as he gently coaxes Luke’s fingers out of himself. Luke groans at the loss, the emptiness. He shakes his head in protest, until he feels Michael’s fingers at his hole, gathering slick before sliding in easily. He whines, rolling his hips down on Michael’s fingers.

“Look so good for me,” Michael murmurs, nudging Luke’s other hand away to wrap his hand around his cock. He tugs him off slowly, and Luke leaks steadily, but his mind is far away from the mess he’s making. “Got yourself off, yeah?” He asks, voice slightly menacing. Luke’s brain works sluggishly to think about the consequences for that, to remember the repercussions for getting himself off while Michael was out. Michael twists his wrist, making Luke drip even more pre-come, and Luke catches a hint of a smirk on his lips.

Luke nods shakily, heart thudding in his chest as his climax hurtles towards him. “Mhm, yeah, twice,” He admits. “Don’t feel any better though, I just- fuck, I-“ Luke chokes out unfinished sentences, arching and fucking himself on Michael’s fingers.

“We’ll talk about that later.” Michael promises. Luke whimpers under his gaze, and then Michael kisses his lips gently, reassuringly, “You’ll feel better once I knot you.” He murmurs, relentlessly stroking Luke’s spot. Luke looks up into his eyes, dark and focused intently on him. Michael kisses Luke again, hungrily, as he lets out a muffled sob and comes all over himself, writhing against Michael’s body. Michael sucks on Luke’s bottom lip and Luke nearly chokes as he feels the heat within him rise to boiling temperatures.

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