Calm - Little Ass

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Credits - Senioritastyle (Ao3)

Luke's feeling strung up like he's never felt before. He needs to be taken down a few notches, that's for sure. He's been letting his ego get the better of him, and the cocky smirk hasn't left his face in days. He feels like an asshole but he can't stop himself from feeding off compliments from the fans and from other famous people; every time he posts a picture he watches the comments flood in and the likes go crazy and he's even turned on his Instagram notifications just so he can watch the screen flood with thousands of girls telling him how hot he is and how badly they want him. It's okay to feed your self-esteem every once in a while, but he's been at the same game for over a week and he hasn't stopped scrolling through social media to so much as piss properly and he's definitely the definition of a fuck boy right now.

He hates when he gets this way, but some of the fans seem to love when he acts all cocky and vain and posts selfies more than once a day, so he keeps it up knowing he won't be able to stop himself anyway. He's just waiting for one of the boys to get fed up with his attitude and force him out of it. He's home alone right now, watching the fans go insane over the pictures of him in a wet suit next to a surf board from when he was in LA. He hadn't planned on posting those pictures but once again his ego got the best of him and he threw them up on a whim because his body looks incredible in that suit, if he does say so himself. He's chuckling at the comments when the boys walk in, arms crossed and muscles bulging with their jaws locked. He looks up and his brain gives a sigh of relief because here it comes, they're going to stop him right in his tracks and he'll get what he deserves, what he's craving.

"Luke, put the fucking phone down now." Michael demands, voice ringing in Luke's ear like an alarm.

But it gives Luke no sense of panic because just being told isn't enough, so he challenges Michael like an idiot. "Nah, I think I'm good."

The look of shock is evident on all the boy's faces and Luke would laugh if he wasn't already in deep enough. Michael's fuming in front of him, looking like he might slap the shit out of Luke and honestly Luke wouldn't mind if he did. But he doesn't, not yet, although Luke knows he will. They all will, probably, in one way or another. But right now Michael just marches over and yanks the phone from Luke's hand, locking it and tossing it to the other couch.

"Dude!" Luke complains, trying to get up but just before he stands Michael grips his shoulder and shoves him back down.

"You," Calum starts, kicking his feet against the carpet as he walks toward Luke and Michael, "are being an ass, Luke. And it needs to stop."

"We're sick of your cocky attitude, Luke. I think it's time you stop pretending you're some big tough guy around us when we know better than that." Ashton adds, joining the other three by the couch.

Luke's starting to feel small with them standing over him like this, surrounding him and blocking any escape route he could've used. Michael's still holding him down and Luke tries to shake him off so he can get up, and so begins the laughing.

"Oh please, princess. Why even try when you know you're too fucking weak?" Calum shakes his head, smirk spreading over his face.

"Honestly, why do you even need us? You embarrass yourself just fine." Ashton laughs, gripping Luke's hair tightly and pulling almost hard enough to make him stand before he pauses. "What's our safe word, slut?"

Luke gulps, squeezing his eyes shut as Ashton tugs harder. "I-it's penguin."

"Good. At least you have half a brain." Michael mumbles, letting go of Luke's shoulder.

As soon as Luke can move, Ashton drags him up by his hair and tosses him to the carpet. "On your knees, bitch. Quickly, we don't have all day."

Luke scrambles to obey, feeling a tiny sting of shame run over his body. He gets up on his knees and keeps his hands on his thighs, eyes cast down obediently. Calum immediately tuts at him, squatting down and pulling at his clothes.

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