Lashton - Tongue

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Credits - itisjustmyself

This isn't all the way sex, just blow job
But it's good anyway


To be honest they had all expected Luke to do something crazy the day he turned eighteen. He’d always been the baby and his mother was really protective so it would have only been logical for him to go through with something once he didn’t need her permission anymore. Like, he’d always been talking about maybe dyeing his hair, or getting a tattoo or maybe another piercing, so they thought he would the day he got the chance. He didn’t though.

Luke’s birthday passed and he didn’t change anything about himself and really the other boys were quite surprised but shrugged it off after some time. The tour went on and everything was normal. It was by the time that christmas rolled around and they got three weeks of freedom with no interviews or shows or anything that things got strange.

Sure, the first few days they all avoided each other. When you’ve been practically living in each other’s pockets for every single fucking day in the past year, you needed a bit of space. So, the three of them only started to get suspicious when there hadn’t been a single word from Luke after over a week. They tried calling him to no use, he never answered, only sent back a text a bit later with some kind of obviously flimsy excuse why he couldn’t come to the phone.

After one and a half week they finally decided that enough was enough. All three, even if they were never to admit it, missed their lead singer quite terribly. They headed over to his house, ready to face up with the blond in order to find out what was up with him, because really, the kind of behaviour he was showing was anything but normal.

“Hello boys.” Liz opened the door a few moments after they had rung. “How can I help you?”

“With our fourth band member.” Michael answered drily. “And if he really doesn’t want to speak with us anymore, maybe another of your kids, look all the same anyways, no one will know the difference.” A loud noise could be heard from upstairs and Liz smiled strangely at them.

“I’m sorry, but he’s not here, I’m afraid.” She answered hesitantly. “Maybe come by another time.” And then the door was practically slammed in their faces.

“Alright…” Calum trailed off. “That was even more strange.”

“Tell me about it.” Ashton nodded. “It just doesn’t make any sense.”

They all received text messages not much later in which Luke excused for the missing communication and from then on they all messaged more often again. Still, Luke refused to meet any of them or even a phone call. It all was just very unusual for their youngest.

In fact, this continued over their whole break. The first time they saw the blond again was on their first day back in the studio. The first shows of the year were to start in a weeks time and they wanted to lay down some new tracks for the second album in the time they had up until then.
Everything seemed back to normal again. Luke acted like he had before the break. When they asked him about the weirdness he just shrugged and disappeared back into the booth to finish up his vocals.

Ashton had his legs pulled up onto the couch he was sitting on and was watching the blond with a frown on his face as he belted his heart out. He was lost in thought, wondering what was up with his best friend, when he suddenly caught sight of a silver shimmer in Luke’s mouth. He shot up from his seat and hurried closer to the booth, to get a better look.

“You didn’t.” He exclaimed shocked once his mind caught up with what he just had seen.

“He didn’t what?” Calum asked from behind him.

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