Muke - For me?

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Ao3 : lourrygum

"Control you how?" Michael wants to know, eyebrows raised as the pink tint on Luke's cheeks deepens to a dark red. Luke looks away quickly, eyes flashing from Michael's confused expression to the white wall of the hotel room to the wall of the hotel room they've decided to share. Not because they don't have their own rooms, but because the thought of going to bed without a cuddle partner is just upsetting, at this point in their lives.

"Uh," he begins, blush spreading down his exposed chest, lower body squirming a little, in the way he does when he's nervous, feet messing up the blankets.

It's 2 a.m. and maybe not the best time for this conversation but Luke has had this distant look on his face all week and now he was finally starting to spill what's got him thinking so hard. Michael's only ever seen him so deep in thought when he had to act as the tie-breaker for where they should order takeout, so it was obviously something important to him. Luke opens his mouth like he's going to speak and then closes it, shaking his head. "Never mind. It's nothing, really, I'm just-"

"It's not nothing," Michael insists, voice gentle so as to not scare Luke any more than he already seems to be. They had been just about to go to sleep when Luke had started talking. Anything that interested Luke more than sleep was important and really needed to be discussed.

"It is, really," Luke insists, pulling the blankets back into place and turning to switch off the lamp with a sigh. Michael stops him and switches the lamp back on. Luke, in return, switches it off again. Michael takes a deep breath, sitting back in the darkness, hands clasped in his lap. He can practically see Luke's smile of triumph.

"You're such a baby," Michael mutters, folding his arms and resisting the urge to switch on his phone flashlight and remind Luke who the smart one in this relationship is.

Luke shrugs. "Not my fault. You guys treat me like one so much that I just evolved this way." He sighs tragically. Baby of the family and baby of the band. Luke had no chance to escape any amount of coddling, really.

Michael rolls his eyes. "Right. So are we gonna talk about your sudden BDSM fetish or-"

"Oh my God!" Michael takes his momentary embarrassment as a chance to turn the light back on so he can actually see him. Luke gnaws restlessly at his lip, where his ring is, blood rushing to it and making it a deep red when Michael eventually saves his lip from being bitten raw, coaxing it away from his teeth with his thumb. "Okay," he says again, taking a deep breath, voice calmer. He leans his head into the crook of Michael's neck with a sigh.

"You know you can tell me anything right?" Michael whispers after a few seconds of silence. "No matter how embarrassing you might think it is." He hopes Luke knows this, he really does. Sure he makes fun of him sometimes but he never means it. He remembers Luke always closing in on himself when they were younger because kids were cruel and they saw him as an easy target, taunted him for fun. Michael was one of them, but somehow, along the way, he's become the opposite for Luke, found himself getting uncomfortable with even Calum and Ashton's harmless teasing.

("Luke you're so fucking weird," Calum said, observing him going down to the gym, all business, with his stuffed penguin in his arms.

"Leave him the fuck alone." Michael said, before Luke could answer. "Not his fault no one likes you enough to buy you a stuffed toy."

Michael had felt bad after Calum pouted and walked away. He'd ended up buying him a huge stuffed puppy. Michael was too nice of a person.)

"Even if it's really... kinky?" Luke wonders, voice going up an octave with embarrassment. Michael's eyes flash to his face again, trying to concentrate solely on Luke instead of letting his thoughts run away.

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