CALM - Grey, Black?

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Credit : Idk sry

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Michael felt horrible, tour had only just begun and already people were saying he couldn’t sing, wasn’t as easy on the eye as the others, and who knows what else. For every hateful tweet there were probably a hundred loving, supportive ones from fans, but the harsh words still cut like knives. His eyes began to sting with tears as he sat on his hotel bed, scrolling through twitter, words swirling in his mind ‘ useless, ugly, talentless, no good, worthless.’

It was at that moment Ashton burst through the door,  “I forgot my…. Mikey? What’s wrong my love?” He was at Michael’s side in a second, enveloping the younger man in his strong arms,

“I thought you were going out?” Michael said quietly,

“I forgot my wallet, and I didn’t realise until we got there. And I thought you were just tired? What’s the matter baby?” Michael said nothing, just handed Ashton his phone, twitter still open, the drummer read the first tweet, a scowl forming on his face as he did so, ‘ That Michael Clifford, ew! I don’t get why all the girls go so mad on him, the other dudes in 5sos are much better looking, and he can’t even sing!’

“Oh Mikey! Don’t you listen to them babe, you are amazing, your voice is beautiful and so are you.” Ashton gently wiped the tears from his face,

“Thanks Ash, I don’t feel it though.” Mikey sighed deeply,

“Will you let me show you?” Ashton gently slid his hand under Michael’s t-shirt, “Because you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen”

“Aren’t Luke and Cal gonna be waiting for you at the bar?” Michael sighed again as he leant into Ashton’s touch,

“Shit.” Ash picked up his phone and typed a quick message to Luke, ‘ I’m staying here, some wankers have been saying horrible shit about Mikey on twitter and he’s feeling down, I need to show him how beautiful he is’ “There, now they won't be expecting me back.”

“Th..thanks Ash.” Michael sniffled, burying his face in his boyfriend’s shoulder.

They sat there for a few minutes, just holding each other, until the noise of Ashton’s phone made them jump, “It’s Luke,” Ashton said as he took it from his pocket and read the message which said ‘ I just looked on twitter, we’re coming back!’ “Luke and Cal are coming back.” He dropped his phone onto the bedside table before turning back to Mikey, “Shall we give them a little show to come back to hmm? I’m sure they’d love to see our gorgeous boy all laid out and waiting for them.” Before Michael could answer he found himself on his back with Ashton hovering over him, kissing him.

By the time Luke and Calum arrived back from the bar, Michael was naked and writhing on the bed with three of Ashton’s long fingers buried in his ass. “I see you guys started without us,” Luke said with a chuckle as he walked over to the bed and leant down to kiss Michael before whispering “Hey gorgeous” against his lips,

“Lukey!” Michael grabbed at him with a gasp as Ashton jammed his fingers against his prostate.

“I think you’re just in time actually, I thought we could take turns showing Mikey just how beautiful he is,” the oldest man said, getting nods from the youngest two in response, “is that ok with you baby?”

“Yeah, y..yeah, I want you first Ash, please.”

“Alright,” Ash withdrew his fingers causing Michael to whimper at the loss, “Shh gorgeous, we’re all gonna fill you up good ok?” Michael looked confused as Ashton stood up after retrieving their lube from the bedside table, “Can you stand up for me Mikey? I’ve got an idea.” Luke helped Michael up as Ashton got rid of his own clothes, with a little help from Calum who then kissed him.

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