Chapter5.Place Your Trust in Me

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Mythical's POV

Once I told her she blushed, but tears welled in her eyed and she ran off.

I don't know why, though.. Was it what I said? I was stating my true feelings. What was she feeling?

Honestly you must be thinking.. "Oh Mythical why don't you read her mind!?"

I don't want to see what she thought! It ruins the whole thing.. The whole surprise..

Suddenly it grew dark out, maybe I was standing for too long, obviously.

I looked around, the couples she envied, they had gone. Somewhere, but where? Why?

I can tell she did something to their day, like how after she did what she did that one couple fought, the picnickers left muttering angrily and the ones holding hands had the girlfriend leave crying.

Why did she do that though? They didn't deserve it. No couple deserved it.

She said I was like a brother to her..

Was it true?

Cupcake's POV

I sat in an alley, a shadowed corner. The voice I had so amazingly gotten rid of, the voice who hasn't spoken for years.

The voice attacked me in all sides.

He's lying.

He'll get in your pants and leave.

He doesn't like you.

No one will like you.

Maybe if you didn't eat and became skinny they'll like you.

If he didn't like you he wouldn't have learned so quickly.

I quirked my eyebrow. That one was so new, like an the angel getting through as the devil bombarded you with horrors about yourself.

"Nah your just thinking that."

I jerked my head up, and Blue was standing there. Munching on candy. "So, care to explain why I had to come HERE to find you?"

I shook my head numbly.

"Is it the voice again? I CAN GET MY MOMMA VOICE ON."

I shook my head again. She had it all wrong. She didn't understand how I felt! She hasn't felt this way!

A groan escaped her mouth, "I hate saying this.. but the world doesn't evolve around you, if someone hurt you than tell me."

"If someone is with someone else, don't care about it, be happy for them."

I looked up at her.

"I've done that."

She shook her head, "Fuck it. I tried." She started walking out of the alley.

Slowly I asked, "Where you going..?"

She looked behind her back, "To go take a shit." She added, "I'm going home. Where the hell else?"

I croaked, "Don't let Mythical in.."

She kept walking, if she heard what I had said she had chosen to ignore it.

A few hours later I still sat here, in the same alley;same corner, still hearing the voice.

..It won't leave me alone..

Mythical's POV

I walked down the street looking for her, Blue said in the alley by the arts and crafts store.

I felt like dynamite was exploding in my stomach, the reason she ran off was me. It was my fault!

Soon I came across the alley Blue was talking about. The arts and crafts store was adorable.

I yelled into the alleyway, "Cupcake..?"

I heard a small voice, small but angry and sad, "What?"

I walked down the alleyway and sat down next to her, and softly I asked, "What's the matter?" 

She looked down and sadness clouded her eyes, "I think your lying when you say you like me. Someone told you to do this as a dare, isn't it that what this is? A dare?"

Pain grew in my chest, she thought I was lying. She thought I was doing a dare.

I glared at her, but my face softened, "I'm not doing a dare, I'm not lying.."

"You ARE!"

I grabbed her cheek and kissed her. The butterflies in my stomach grew to be extreme.

I pulled away from her. She was shocked, blushing and angry.

Softly I whispered, "Place your trust in me.."

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