Ch. 33 - Where To Look

Start from the beginning

So many possibilities and I don’t know where to start.

I began running down the street I was on, trying to get away from the paparazzo before the light turned green for him. While running, I began to pull out my phone, dialing Jackie’s number and pressing the device to my ear. When I heard it go straight to voicemail, I felt like chucking my phone across the street but, instead, I kept my cool and slid it back in my pocket.

“Fuck,” I grunted, turning a corner once again and stopping by a bookstore. I began to just casually stroll down the street, looking at the park on the other side. It looked pretty empty, but the trees were beautiful so at least it was a sight.

I stuffed my hands in the pocket of my pants and sighed to myself. Looking at the stoplight for pedestrians, I contemplated whether or not I should cross this street so I could look at the park a little better. Upon seeing the light was red and that my main objective was to find Jackie, I decided against it.

But then, everything felt like it was in slow motion.

I gazed up at one of the park benches out at front and spotted a pretty girl sitting there by herself. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I realized it’s Jackie.

Butterflies swarmed my stomach and I was about to run full speed towards her, but then I remembered the light was red.

“For fuck’s sake,” I cursed to myself. “Jackie!” I yelled, trying to get her attention.

Jackie’s head shot up in confusion and, when she spotted me, her eyes widened and she quickly stood up. I glanced at the lights, seriously considering making a run for it except there were just too many cars coming at speeds fast enough to run me over and put me under medical help. Even from afar, I could see Jackie’s lips trembling as she quickly turned around and began running down the street. My eyes slowly widened, unable to believe what I was seeing.

Why the fuck is she running away from me?

I was about to yell her name again and tell her to come back but decided not to make a scene. The stupidest thing I could do right now is draw attention to myself so I could get more easily recognized.

After what felt like years (I ain’t even exaggerating), the pedestrian lights turned green and I ran faster than I knew my own legs could take me. I could make out the figure of Jackie’s body running a few feet in front of me and I pushed myself to run faster. Jackie’s head turned briefly to check how far she was from me, and upon realizing I was catching up quite nicely, she freaked out and made a straight turn towards the inside of the park.

“I don’t have time for this shit,” I muttered to myself, making the same turn she did and continuing ahead. Unfortunately, it carried on like that for a while. Jackie managed to keep running fast enough to make it seem impossible for me to catch up, but I kept pushing myself harder. Eventually, we ended up running to a small, grassy hill and it was when Jackie first began going on top of it that I was close enough to grab her, so I did. And it backfired… Badly.

I had grabbed her arm and the momentum of her running straight ahead had tugged on my grip on her, so I eventually let go and the two of us went flying forward and hit the ground. Luckily, we landed on grass so it didn’t hurt that badly.

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