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Now that you know how it all began, I will tell you about how something that was a dream turned in to reality. You can thank W.

GN, me and Ra-eda were just watching some BTS cracks, then W came sprinting towards us like she was running from some hurricane, then she just came to us, stopped, said the greeting VAI BWI, then announced (in a voice she normally saved for V fangirling moments), "GUYS! SPTY ENTERTAINMENT ARE COMING TO AUSTRALIA AND ARE HOLDING AUDITIONS FOR A NEW KPOP GROUP!" We were all silent. SPTY? Audition? Nah. I was hungry at the time so I wasn't paying much attention, but when W said, "AND I SIGNED US ALL UP FOR AUDITIONS!" All of us just stared at each other. Then, as if we telepathically knew, we...

Waved up our arms in the air and went...


"AAAAAAAAAAAAH, oi why did you guys stop?" (seriously though, they just left me hanging.)

"I CAN'T SING!" GN Exclaimed. 'ME NEITHER!" Ra-eda whined, Seriously these babies, they are meant to be older, they can just rap. I wonder if I charged my Mac before I left my house. If I like combined a goana and dragon together, will its name be G-Drago-

"SURPRISE MOTHER FIRETRUCKER!" Honey had made her entrance.

-Woozi 2.0 in the background- "PAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH XD"

And then she passed out. I can't tell whether it was from laughing too much or eating fried rice. That kid needs help. I think she has an obsession with fried rice.

"OKAY, I HEARD YOU BECAUSE OF MY POWERS, AND YES I CANNOT SING!" Honey. That girl. SHE CAN SING ASDFGHJK. I dunno why she was so shy bout it tho. I think it was Elsa, you know, conceal don't feel don't let it shooooooooo- "YOU CAN SING, I CANT NOW SHADDUP!" GN. WHY. MUST.I.NOT.THINK.IN.PEACE? T.T

"Uh, maybe you could rap?" Woozi 2.0 suggested. No-one knew she she woke up. HOLD ON, RAP. THAT TELEPATHICAL IDEA STEALER. MUST.KEEP.CALM. "I never tried rapping before. Hey, Winter you can rap right?" Ra-eda just knows my hidden talent. Haha just kidding. "I never rapped before." I stated. GN tried something. "Hey, you know how we are Aquariususus, apparently Aquarisusususus can rap. Come on child PLEAAAAAAASE! For Unni!" Unni never acts cute. This is scary. I think she is possessed. "Okay, I'll do it. When she stops acting cute. It's not her. She looks scary. I think she is possessed." Saying that earned my a whack. From GN Unni. Ouch. I cri T.T

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