"Why are you talking like that?" Soobin asked in a small voice, and Yeonjun looked a little tense, but then chuckled.

"Bin, I'm talking normally. I don't think you understand it's a bad world out there for little boys like you." Yeonjun said, patting his cheek affectionately, like the other boys did.

"Little boy? Are you serious, Jun? I literally talked to you about this-"

"Soobin-" Yeonjun snapped, and Soobin looked at him with wide eyes, "-how about you stop annoying me and go to your room, does that sound okay for you?"

Soobin's breath hitched, shoulders dropping, "Y-Yes. I'm sorry." Soobin squeaked out, turning around and heading to his bedroom, his feet carrying him faster.

Fucking hell.

For once Soobin thought that maybe, just maybe someone would treat him like he wasn't a kid. Clearly not. Soon enough, Taehyun's going to start talking to him like he's a kid too. Soobin's never going to grow out of it.

Later that night, around 2 am, Soobin was in his bedroom when he heard loud noises coming from downstairs. Like, laughter.

Soobin walked out of his bedroom, his feet padding through the marbled floors. He leaned against the stairwell and looked downstairs, and saw the five boys walking through the front door, all in the foyer, laughing.

They had guns slung around them, and he's pretty sure he saw a bit of blood on Beomgyu's face. Taehyun was laughing really loudly, and Yeonjun had his arm slung around his shoulder, also laughing.

"Oh my god, I still can't get over the look on that guy's face!" Jongho said, practically falling on the floor with how hard he was laughing.

"And then when he started crying-" Seonghwa said, but he couldn't finish his sentence because he started laughing, and Beomgyu did fall on the floor, clutching his stomach from laughing so hard.

Soobin felt a pang of envy in his stomach, wishing he could know what they were talking about, or be with them. Soobin let his feet carry him down the stairs and to the foyer, where the boys were.

"Hey, how was your bust?" Soobin asked, and Taehyun walked over to him and leaned his hand on his shoulder, trying to control his laughs.

"It- OH. MY. GOD. It was so fucking funny, Bin. Holy shit. So, w-we reached this gang place, and get this, they are listening to Katy fucking Perry-" Taehyun started, and then Seonghwa grabbed Soobin's shoulder, yanking him to the side.

"What time is it, Bin?" Seonghwa asked, and Soobin turned to him.

"2 am." Soobin stammered, and saw Seonghwa give him a stern look, which made his insides churn.

"You should be asleep, Bin. It's way past your bedtime." Beomgyu said from the side, and Soobin's cheeks turned pink.

"I-I don't need a bedtime! You guys sleep at, like, the crack of dawn." Soobin said, and couldn't help but still hear Taehyun and Yeonjun giggling to each other in the corner.

"There's a difference. You're-"

"I know! I'm a fucking kid! You've said it a thousand fucking times!" Soobin snapped, Beomgyu's eyes widening because Soobin swore at him.

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