Chapter 17: Enchanted

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I looked at the clothes on my suitcase. It's a really fancy dress! It's a pretty light blue color and has a very point tutu at the bottom. There are also black shoes, a blue diamond necklace, and a tiara with blue diamonds in it. There is also another necklace thing. This one is pink and has a picture of all the princesses and some words. I can't read the words though. I put on the pretty dress and slipped in the black shoes. I ran back to mommy and daddy's room. I handed mommy the necklaces and tiara. She helped me out on the necklaces and walked me to the bathroom. She brushed out my hair and put it in a very neat tight bun with the tiara. I looked in the mirror.

"I look like a princess!!" I yelled.

I twirled around a few times making the tutu on my dress come up a little bit. I stopped spinning and realized mommy and daddy are both dressed up fancy too. Mommy is wearing a long silly purple dress, black heels, and a pearl necklace.

"You look very pretty mommy!" I said.

"Thank you for saying that, Addie!"

Daddy is wearing a black tux with a white undershirt.

"You look very handsome daddy!"

"And you look very pretty, my little princess!"

I smiled.

Daddy lifted me up and twirled me in his arms.

"Put me down! You're smoothing my tutu!"

Daddy set me down.

"Sorry princess Addie!"

"Alright lets go. I'm sure Addie is getting hungry. " mommy said.

I nodded my head. I'm very hungry! We got back outside of the hotel and I see the limo. We got in and the driver starts driving.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

Mommy and daddy looked at each other.

"It's a surprise!" They said in unison.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the window. After a while, I saw a castle come into view. It's Cinderellas castle!  We pulled into the parking lot. Mommy and daddy are both smiling really big. Daddy helped me out of the limo.

"Would you like to get your picture taken?"

A guy with a camera came up to us.

"Sure!" Mommy said.

I stood infrint of mommy and daddy. They both put a hand on my shoulder. The guy took a picture. We followed him into Cinderellas castle. I am in cinderellas castle! I looked around. There are a lot of people here! Even the princesses! Everyone is dressed up all fancy like us. Somebody led us to a table and I sat down. A waiter came to take our order. I got raspberry lemonade to drink and chicken fingers. I started to color on my menu when Someone sat in the empty chair next to me.

"Bell!" I said.

I can't believe this! Bell is sitting right next to me!

"Hello princess! What's your name?" She asked me.

" my name is Addie!"

"Well princess Addie, your blue dress is very pretty!"

"Thank you for saying that!"

"You are very welcome! You have very nice manners. What did you order TI eat?"

"My mommy taught me my manners. I ordered the chicken fingers!"

"Mmmm chicken fingers are my favorite! How about we take a picture? The. I will go talk to all the other prince and princesses, ok?"


We both looked at mommy and daddy and they took a picture.

"Goodbye princess Addie!"

I waved goodbye and started to color on my menu again. A few minutes later, somebody else sat in the chair next to me. It's my favorite princess!

"Ariel!" I said.

"Hello princess! What's your name?"

"I'm Addie!"

"That's a lovely name! Do you want to take a picture?"

I nodded.

We turned to look at mommy and daddy so they could take the picture.

"I have TI gi now princess Addie.  Enjoy your dinner!"

I waved bye again. Then the food came. I talked to the rest of the princesses and then we left.

"Was that my suprise?" I asked when we got in the limo.

"Yes. Do you want ice cream?" Mommy asked.


It's starting to get a little dark now. We drove to the ice cream place. I got a blue moon ice cream cone. It's really yummy!! After the ice cream stop, we went back to the hotel again. Mommy said I really need a bath tonjint. She filled the tub with warm water and helped take off my dress. I got into the bath and sat down. Mommy helped me wash and then she washed my hair. Now my hair smells like apples! I got out and got wrapped into a fluffy towel. I dried off and got dressed into my princess nightgown. Mommy and daddy came to my room to tuck me in.

"Can you sing to me mommy? I'd lie?"

Mommy laughed.

"Of course! But I haven't sang that in a really long time! Why don't you start it?"

"Ok! I don't think that passenger seat, has ever looked this good to me.  He tells me about his night and I count the colors in his eyes."

Then mommy joined in.

"He'll never fall in love he swears as he runs his fingers through his hair, I'm laughing cause I hope he's wrong. And I could tell you his favorite colors green. He loves to argue, born on the 17th. His sisters beautiful, he has his fathers eyes. But if you ask me if I love him, I'd lie. "

Mommy kissed my forehead.

"That's enough singing for tonight. You have a big day tomorrow!"

Daddy kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight! I love you princess!"

"Goodnight!" I said to both of them.

Daddy walked out of my room, closing the door behind him and shutting off the light. I wonder what we are doing tomorrow...

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