Chapter 14: wildest dreams

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"Wake up princess!" Daddy said.

I wake up to see my Cinderella carriage bed. I sleepily rubbed my eyes.

"Daddy. " I whined.

"Come on! We are going back to Disney world today!"


"No, we are going to animal kingdom! There are a lot of animals there."

"Yay!" I screamed.

"Taylor! Where's her clothes at?" Daddy yelled.

"On top of her suitcase!"

I went to my suitcase to find a shirt and shirts lying on top. The shirt has a lion, tiger, giraffe and elephant on it. My shirts are white with a pink butterfly on it. Daddy helped me change since mommy is still getting ready. Daddy tried to brush my hair.

"Taylor, I think you need to brush her hair!"

Mommy came out if the bathroom and took over. She put my hair into a bun at the top of my head.

"Lets go Addie!" Mommy said.

I followed mommy out to the limo. We eventually got to the park. The best part is that I don't have to go on a boat to get here!

"I want to ride that!" I pointed to a rollercoaster.

It looks fun!

"Princess, that's a rollercoaster. Are you sure?"

I nodded my head. I'll be brave. My mommy up in heaven will keep me safe.

"I'll take her. " mommy said.

We went to the line. We had to wait for what seem like forever!

"What's this ride called?" I asked.

"Expedition Everest."

Finally it's our turn! I took a deep breath and stepped into the cart. Mommy helped me pull down he lap bar. I grabbed her hand.

"I'm going to be brace. " I said.

We moved. At first it was fun. Then the track broke.

"Mommy! It's broken!" I pointed.

"It's supposed to be like that!" Mommy replied.

Then we went backwards... into darkness. I tightened my grip on mommys hand. We stopped again. Then we went really fast down a hill. I screamed really loud. By the time the ride ended, I was smiling. I ran to daddy.

"Again!" I screamed.

"Maybe after the line goes down. How about we go on a water ride?" Mommy asked.


I hold onto daddy's hand and we walk over to the water ride. We get to the water ride and I see a circle thingy with seats in it. Another boat! WhAts with these people and boats?! Daddy helped me get in and buckled my seatbelt. I'm holding onto BOTH mommy and daddy's hands. I screamed when water splashed intop of me. Now my new shirt is wet!

"Mommy, my shirt is ruined!" I said once we got off the ride.

"It's ok! It's just water. It will dry. "


Now it's time for lunch. I'm really hungry!

"What dies that say?" I asked.

I'm pointing to a sign outside of a restraint.

"The rainforest cafe. " daddy said.

We walked in and I see a bunch of fishies!

"Woah" I whispered.

"Table for 3. " mommy said.

We followed a man to a table. The food at this place is very yummy! I got mac and cheese with applesauce for my side and lemonade for my drink. After my yummy lunch, we went back to the park to ride some more rides.

"Lets go on the safari!" Daddy said.

I held mommys hand as we got in line.

"What is this ride?" I asked.

"A safari. " mommy said.

"What's a safari?"

"We are going to get in a bus to drive and look at animals. "

"Yay, animals!"

This is the longest line ever! We eventually got in the bus. Mommy is on my right side and daddy is on my left side. I'm in the middle of them. The. Bus started moving. It's very bumpy! I held onto daddy's shirt.

"What's wrong princess?" Daddy whispered.

"It's very bumpy!"

Mommy smiled.

I don't like this bus ride! I like seeing all of the animals, I just don't like how bumpy it is. My butt is starting to hurt from all the bumps that make me go off of the seat a little and then back down. Finally the bus stopped and sadly helped me get out. Gosh! That was toeture! We walked around for a little bit trying to find another ride to ride. We found a ride called dinosaur.

"I want to ride that!" I pointed to it.

It's inside. At least it has air conditioner. It's so hot! Why does Florida have to be so hot?! Wait, am I in Florida? Mommy and daddy look at each other and we go inside to get in line.

"Honey, on this ride there are going to be lots of dinosaurs and it's going to be a little bit loud." Mommy said as she kneeled down by my side.

"It's ok! I don't mind. Are we in Florida?"

"Yes. "

Mommy stood back up and we walked forward in the line. This is the shirtest line I've had to wait in all day! I climbed into the cart in the middle of mommy and daddy again. They helped me buckle my seatbelt. The ride attendant checked everybody seatbelt and started the ride. I grabbed onto the black handle bars on the sides of me. I'm going to try to be a big girl in this ride. I don't need to hold mommy or daddy's hand. I'll be ok. We started to go up a steep hill and the cart kept tipping from side to side. Just kidding! I don't want to be a big girl anymore! I quickly grabbed onto mommy and daddy's hands. The ride was really fun! I went out of the building with a big smile on my face.

"Did you like that?" Daddy asked.

"Yeah!" I screamed.

"Can you pick me up mommy?"

Mommy LIFTED me up and rested me on her hip.

"Are you ready to go back to the hotel?" Daddy asked.

I nodded my head. I slowly let my head fall onto mommys shoulder and I closed my eyes. I'm very tired. I eventually fell asleep.

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