Chapter 12: sad beautiful tragic

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"Addie!wake up honey!" Mommy said. She turned on my bedroom light.

"Princess!!" Daddy said.

I opened one of my eyes. I'm facing the window. Why is mommy and daddy trying to wake me up?! It's still dark outside!

"But it's still dark!" I said.

"I guess you don't get your birthday present then!" Mommy said.

So mommy and daddy did remember my birthday!! I hurryd up and got out of my big bed.

" what present?" I asked excitedly.

"Not telling you!!" Daddy said.


I sat on my bed and crossed my arms.

"Here. "

Mommy handed me some clothes. It's my Micky and Minnie Mouse t shirt and my black leggings. I got off of my bed and put my clothes on. I followed mommy and daddy downstairs to find 3 suitcases by the door. A black one for daddy, a purple one for mommy, and one with princesses for me. Daddy got a poptart out of the pantry and handed it to me. I started eating it.

"Happy birthday princess!" Daddy shouted.

"Happy birthday!" Mommy said.

"We have to go now. "

Daddy grabbed my suitcase and I held mommys hand as we stepped outside. There aren't many camera people today. Maybe it's just because it's early. Mommy and daddy rented a limo!!!

"A limo!" I yelled.

The driver took our bags and daddy helped me get in. It's so big in here! This is so cool! I don't even need my car seat! I'm sitting in between mommy and daddy on the big seats. I felt the car starting to move.

"Addie, we have to go to an airport and fly on mommys plane. Ok?" Mommy asked.

"Yes! It's going to be so much fun! But where are we going?"

I'm so excited to fly on mommys plane! But I'm also nervous. I've never been on an airplane before.

"Can't tell you princess!"

"But daddy!" I whined.

"No whining or we won't go! And at the airport, you have to always be holding either me or daddy's hand."

"Ok. "

I laid my head down on mommy and rested my legs on daddy. I fell asleep very fast.

"Addie, you have to wake up! We are at the airport!" Mommy said.

I sat up very fast.

"Do you want to hold my hand or mommys hand?" Daddy asked.

"Mommy!" I yelled.

I grabbed mommys hand and she helped me out of the limo. The driver handed mommy her purple suitcase and daddy got his black suitcase and my princess suitcase. The airport is a very busy place. Lots of people are walking very fast in every direction. Mommy went through a scanner thingy. She had to let go of my hand.

"Go in princess!" Daddy said.

I walked through just like mommy did. I got to the other side and it started beeping.

"Mommy!" I screamed.

These 3 big guys in blue uniforms ran with something in their hands. I started crying.

"Open your arms and spread your legs!" One guy said.

I did as told. I don't want them to hurt me. They moved a wand looking thing all over me. It started beeping when it got to my neck. I pulled out my necklace that I always have on. It's the locket that my old mommy gave me when I was a baby.

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