Chapter 11: "Jump then fall"

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~4 months later~

"Mommy wake up!!! I have gymnastics class today!!" I yelled.

I'm jumping on mommys bed.

"Ok! I'm up!" She said.

"Where's daddy?" I looked around the room.

" daddy is at work right now. He's going to meet us at your gymnastics place later. "

"I want daddy now!" I sat down on the bed.

"Honey, daddy has to work. He's going to come to gymnastics though. Ok?"

"Fine. "

I got off mommys bed and went downstairs. Mommy followed me down the steps.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Mommy asked.

"I want strawberrys!"

I sat at the table and waited for mommy to get my strawberrys. She carefully washed them off. Then cut off the green thingy at the top. Finally, she sprinkled a little bit of sugar on them and brought them to me on a purple plate. I ate them.

"Yummy!" I screamed.

I put the plate into the sink and went to go find mommy. I went to the family room and found mommy lying in the couch.

"When is gymnastics?" I asked.

"In an hour. Let's go get your leotard on!"


I ran up the steps to go to my room. Mommy followed behind me. I went to my closet and stood on a stool. I found my leotard and took it off of the hanger. It's a really pretty purple and blue color. It also has little diamonds! And some of it is sparkly. I love it soooo much!!! Mommy helped me put it on.

"How do you want me to do your hair?" Mommy asked.

"Um, high ponytail and put in the matching scruntchy. "

Mommy started to gently brush my hair.

"Are you sure daddy's coming?" I asked.

"I'm absolutely positive!" Mommy said.

I'm looking in the mirror so I can watch mommy do my hair. She puts a black hair tie in my hair to hold my ponytail then she put in my blue and purple sparkly scrunchie that matches my leotard. I took one last look in the mirror.

"Beautiful!!" Mommy said.

I twirled around. Olivia came into my room. So I picked her up and kept twirling.

"Calm down Addie! You don't want to get hurt!" Mommy said.

"Fine!" I replied.

I set Olivia down on my bed. I went to my dresser and got out a pair of booty shorts. I got out my black pair. I put them on and slipped on my flip flops.

"I'm ready mommy!"

Mommy looked at her watch.

"Alrighty. Let's go!"

I followed mommy out to the car. The question people and camera people don't scare me anymore. Now mommy and daddy let me out of the house without being carried. But I still have to hold one of their hands. Or one of my body gaurds hands. I'm ok with that rule though. Mommy helped me get buckled into my car seat. I wonder if mommy remembered that my birthday is tomorrow. My old daddy never remembered my birthday. But if he did, all i got was a really bad beating. My old mommy used to give me a cupcake after daddy left for work. I hope my new mommy and daddy remember. I unbuckled myself and went I side with mommy. Mommy checked me in and we went to sit in the waiting area. Eventually a lady came.

"Level 1!" She said.

I got out of my chair and hugged mommy. Then I followed the last over to a mat.

"Hi girls! My name is shaylyn! I am your coach!" Shaylyn said.

"Ok! The first thing we are going to do is the foam pit. You are going to jump onto the rope and then fall into the pit."

All of us got into a line. I went to the back of the line. Then a girl came up behind me.

"Hi! I'm Ashley. But people call me ash. What's your name?" Ashley asked.

"I'm Addison. But people call me Addie!" I told ash.

"Cool!! Which one is your mommy?"

I pointed. "The mommy with short blonde hair sitting next to my daddy. "

"Your mommy is Taylor swift!!! That's so cool!!"

"Thank you!" I said.

Mommy taught me that it's important to use your manners.

"Addie! It's your turn!" Shaylyn yelled.

"Jump then fall" I sang quietly.

I swear mommy has a song for everything! I carefully jumped onto the rope and fell into the foam pit. Shaylyn helped me get out. It was very difficult! Now it's ashs turn. She swung on the rope before she dropped. Is she allowed to do that?

"That was good girls! Now, hold onto the bar like this, and swing. " shaylyn said.

I stood by ash again.

"Which ones your mommy?" I asked.

Ash pointed to a lady with brown hair and glasses.

"Cool. " I said.

~Taylor's POV~

Tomorrow is Addie's birthday. I think she thinks that I forgot. I just hope that she likes the surprise.

"Do you think Addie will like her surprise tomorrow?" I asked Calvin.

"She'll love it!" He replied.

Calvin just got here about 5 minutes ago.

"I hope so. "

Addie looks like she's having a lot of fun. I think she might have made a friend. She's been talking to a little girl with brown hair. She's so adorable! Addie just pointed to me and Calvin. This is so cute!

~Addie's POV ~

"We are all done for today girls! I'll see you next week " shaylyn said.

I ran over to daddy and hugged him.



"Mommy! I made a friend! Her name is Ashley, but people call her ash. "

"That's awesome Addie! Where is she?" Mommy asked.

I pointed over to ash and her mommy.

"Let's go meet her parents princes!" Daddy said.

We walked over to ash and her mommy.

"Hi! I'm Taylor, Addie's mom. She told me she is friends with ash. "

"Hi! I'm Leah. Ash did say that she made a new friend!"

Mommy and Leah shook hands. Then they gave each other their phone numbers.

"Bye best friend!" Ash said as we walked out the door.

"Bye best friend!" I said back.

"Did you have fun, princess?" Daddy asked when we got into the car.

I nodded my head yes. I hope next week comes fast! I can't wait to go back to gymnastics and see ash again! But I really hope mommy and daddy didn't forget my birthday. Maybe they planned a big surprise?! I shouldn't get my hopes up. I doubt they planned anything. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I did a silent prayer to Jesus.

"Hi Jesus! I know your taking good care of my real mommy up there. And thank you for keeping me safe down here! Can you please not let my new mommy and daddy forget my birthday? Thank you! Amen. " I opened my eyes.

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