Chapter 15: Haunted

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I woke up in my Cinderella carriage bed and sat up. Mommy and daddy haven't woken me up yet. Maybe it's too early. Or maybe they are still asleep. Or maybe they are still getting ready. I tip toe over to my window. I opened the curtains and looked out between the blinds. The sun is up already. Maybe mommy and daddy are just getting ready. I tip toed out of my room and went to the bathroom where mommy and daddy usually get ready. The door is shut but I see light coming from underneath the door. I tried to open the door. It's unlocked. The light is on but mommy and daddy aren't in there. I looked in the kitchen. Not there. I looked in the tv room. Nope. Maybe I should look in their bedroom? I quietly walked to their room and looked in the doorway. They are both in bed asleep. I let out a sigh of relief. I should really let them sleep. They are probably really tired. But I want to know what we were doing today! An idea popped into my head. I tip toed over to their bed and carefully got up onto it. I started jumping.

"Wake up!" I yelled.

Daddy fell in the floor and mommy sat up very fast.

"Are you ok, daddy?" I laughed.

"Yup, I'm just fine princess"

Mommy grabbed me and started tickling my belly.

"Stop!" I laughed.

Daddy got off of the floor and helped mommy tickle me to death. They finally stopped. I tried to catch my breath.

"What are we doing today?"

"We are going to Hollywood studios!" Daddy said.

"What's that?"

"It's in Disney "


I heard a loud beeping noise and I covered my ears.

"What was that?" I asked as mommy pressed a button on a clock.

"The alarm telling us it's time to wake up!"

I laughed. Oops. I guess I did wake mommy and daddy up too early. Oh well!

"Addie, go to your suitcase and get the clothes that are on top. And get dressed." Mommy said.

I ran to my suitcase and got my clothes. The shirt is purple and has a picture of the Hollywood sign. My shirts are a light blue jean color with a rainbow on he back of the pockets. I took off my pajamas and changed into my clothes. I went back into mommys room.

"All done!" I said.

I think daddy is in the shower. I'm pretty sure mommy kind of took over the bathroom in their room because daddy never uses it, only mommy. Mommy is in the bathroom doing her make up when I walk in.

"Alright, let me do your hair. " mommy said.

I turned around and she started to brush out my hair.

"What do you want me to do to your hair?"

I thought about that for a minute.


Mommy parted my hair and brushed it up into 2 ponytails. As she was finishing the last one, daddy walked in. I screamed and covered my eyes. He's only wrapped in a towel!! I opened my eyes to after a minute and saw daddy kiss mommy in the cheek.

"Ewwww!!" I yelled.

They both laughed. Why do they think that's funny? It's so gross! After we all got ready, we went out of the hotel and got into the limo. I love riding in limos! They are so cool! We went into Disney for the third time. I guess today we are going to a place called Hollywood studios. I've never heard of it before. I never heard of magic kingdom or animal kingdom either. I thought it was just called Disney. But I guess not. The limo eventually came to a stop and the driver opened the door. Mommy held my hand and helped me out. We gave a man our tickets and we walked into the park after going through security.

"Should we take her on HE tower of terror?" Daddy asked mommy.

Mommy smiled. "We can try it. "

What is tower of terror? Whatever it is, it sounds scary. Mommy and daddy led me into a big line of people. Daddy bent down to my height.

"Ok princess. We are going to get into into a cart and we are going to go into a pretend elevator. When we are in there, it's going to drop a little bit. You are going to get a tickely feeling in your belly. Ok?"

"Ok" I said.

But really, I'm a little scared. As we kept moving up in the line, it kept getting darker and darker. I let go of mommys hand and held onto daddy's. I squeezed really tight. I don't like the darkness. We got to the front of the line. We had to wait another few minutes before a cart was ready for us. I sat down into a seat between mommy and daddy. They buckled my seatbelt and somebody checked it. Mommy and daddy both grabbed my hands as we started moving. I see 2 little girls in front of the pretend elevator saying

"Come play with us."

I giggled.

Then they went into the pretend elevator and the door closed behind us. It got really dark. Mommy and daddy tightened their grips on my hands at the same time. Mommy put her other arm over my legs. Then we went down. Really fast. I screamed. I got that tickled feeling in my belly that daddy told me about. I don't like it! We went down again. I started to cry. I walked off that ride still crying. That was worse than that rollercoaster in magic mjngdom!

"That was too scary!" I said.

Daddy picked me up.

"I'm sorry princess. Let's go find a non scary ride for you. "

I just nodded.

That ride was very scary! I'm never ever ever ever doing HAT again! I looked up from daddy's shoulder to see woody from toy story.

"Mommy! It's woody!" I squealed as I pointed.

We walked over to him. Well, I didn't walk, since daddy is carrying me. Woody waved to me and I shyly waved back.

"Would you like a picture with woody?" Daddy asked.


Daddy set me down on my tiny feet. I walked over to woody and gave him a high five. Then mommy and daddy both took a picture of me and woody. I waved goodbye to woody and went back over with mommy and daddy.

"Do you want to go on the toy story ride?" Mommy asked.

I shook my head yes.

This is the best. Birthday. Ever.

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