20 - Percy Jackson

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So much had happened in a few days. The trap in Ellesmere Island, Maggie Crowberry’s parentage revealed, and most of all, the declaration of her as the Godly Pursuant.

“How did you know I was the Pursuant? Why didn’t you tell me right away?” Maggie asked Percy Jackson right after the meeting in Olympus.

Percy just smiled at her for a moment. “It was Annabeth who figured it out, actually. I didn’t know how it became you until the gods explained it. I just knew that you are. And… I didn’t tell you right away because I know that the gods would get to you anyway.”

Maggie shook her head and laughed without humor. “Just as I thought I’m becoming this normal half-blood.”

“You don’t have to worry about anything, Maggie. You heard the gods. They will help you get through this. And you still have us, always remember that.”

She grinned. “Well, that is why I am here, actually.”

As the Godly Pursuant, Maggie is gonna be staying in Olympus. Lord Zeus held on to her River Styx promise of siding with Olympus that he asked Hera to prepare a palace just for her. Athena, the goddess of wisdom, will be personally teaching her the knowledge she needs to learn. When she knew that she was going to be spending time with Maggie, she didn’t seem very pleased.

The war god Ares was assigned to train her for full-scale warring. “That Pursuant Barbie will be a top-of-the-line killing machine when I’m through with her.”

Hephaestus, who is the god of fire and blacksmith, shall teach her the way of weaponry. This delighted both Maggie and Hephaestus because for some reason, they like each other very much. She personally asked for Leo Valdez to be present during their training sessions. Hephaestus’s deformed face didn’t look so bad when he heard of her suggestion.

Poseidon, Maggie’s and his father, also appealed to Zeus if he could borrow her for at least once a week to stay with him in his underwater palace, and teach her how to control her water powers.

“Amphitrite cannot wait to see you again, my child,” Poseidon told her. For a moment, Percy felt jealous because Amphitrite, his father’s wife, isn’t very fond of him. But he just figured that maybe, Amphitrite just wants a daughter too.

The basics of archery will be taught to Maggie by the god of sun himself, Apollo. He was pleased when he heard the assignment. “Not only will I teach you archery, darling, I shall whip you into Olympic shape. You can’t be the Pursuant with only those bones. And of course, I will teach you the perfect words to kill a haiku…”

Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, promised to beautify every single inch of Maggie’s personality. “If you’re to be the greatest Godly Pursuant, you will need beauty and grace for people to not underestimate you.” And not only that, Aphrodite loaned to Maggie her personal attendants: the Graces. Euphrosyne, Aglaia, and Thalia.

“Sweet, lovely Hades. What are they gonna do to me?” Maggie whispered to Percy, quite terrified. “I agreed to be the Godly Pursuant but I ain’t gonna have make-up all over my face.”

Actually, the real thing that Percy is very gladdened with is how Maggie values him in her life. She told him to visit her in Olympus when he has the time.

“I’m sure I’m gonna go crazy learning all those stuff. What’s that again? Archery, history of Olympus, warring, poise and grace. Godly Pursuant one-oh-one. Visit me here, alright?” She shook Percy’s shoulder. “Take Blondie and the guys with you, I don’t care. I have a palace, we can all fit in.”

Percy just nodded at her and laughed, promising that he’ll always be there for his sister.

Three and a half weeks had passed since the meeting in Olympus, and Percy hadn’t seen Maggie yet. She was set into full training in different parts of the world and rarely showed up even at camp. He tried going to Olympus but everytime he dropped over, she wasn’t there.

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