12 - Percy Jackson

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It’s been two days and Maggie Crowberry hasn’t come around yet.

Percy Jackson sits by her bed since she was brought home by Hermes in a mentally deranged state two days ago. From the infirmary, he took him to her cabin bed, waiting for her to wake up. But as for now, there haven’t been any signs of her gaining consciousness. At least not that Percy sees.

He sees her breathing rhythmically, sometimes he hears her snore and sometimes he hears her mumble in her sleep some things that Percy doesn’t clearly get, like ‘he knows,’ or ‘it will win,’ or ‘peanut butter and jelly,’ then she’ll go back to her snoring again.

Percy held on to her snoring so much because he knew it was something that keeps Maggie in the real world. Something to prove that she’s only sleeping and not dead.

And this is something that Maggie deserves. A good sleep, after going through what others had in years for just a couple of days.

“Maggie is safe now, that is what’s important,” Chiron always tells him.

And they will have a lot to talk about when she awakens.

“I have a huge hunch that Maggie is the One in the prophecy. Seven and One. That’s us and her,” Annabeth said during afternoon break under the apple tree.

Jason nodded in agreement. “I don’t know if she’s really strong or the gods just protected her to fulfill the prophecy.”

Percy recalled all the details. The Seven and One to bring failure or victory they intend. A great god shall lose a spring. Maggie tried to save Dionysus’ son but failed. The One that brought failure, not victory.

“…though I won’t know if the Seven and the One would be a sole group or two separate missions. Missions, I think, because we are going to bring failure or victory and we have to find out if-- uh, Percy?” Annabeth turned to him.

“Huh?” he answered, quite disoriented by his thoughts.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

Percy blinked his eyes and nodded. “I’m fine.”

“You haven’t talked since we started,” Leo told him.

Then six pairs of eyes waited on him to say something.

“Uhmm…” he flustered, “I, uh, I still don’t know. I’m thinking.” Then he stood up, “I’m gonna see Maggie, uh, see if she wakes up.”

“Dude, you’ve been seeing her everyday. Don’t you get tired?” Leo asked.

Percy shook his head and walked away to his cabin.

As he got to the cabin, the porch steps creaked slightly. He tried to suppress the sound to not wake up Maggie.

But when he looked, her bed was empty. He panicked.

“Maggie?” he called.

There was a small answer that came from the riverside plank. “Percy, I’m here.”

He ran to the banks on the side of the cabin and found Maggie sitting on the edge, her feet submerged in water.

She looked up to see him.

“Hi, Percy.”

“Maggie…” he sighed and lifted her up for a hug.

She protested feebly and giggled. “Hey, hey, hey, easy up on me!”

He laughed and wiped a tear from his eye, “I’m just so happy you’re back,” and changed his expression to a scolding one, “Don’t you ever do that to me again!”

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