19 - Maggie Crowberry

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So Gaea actually made me believe that Poseidon isn’t my father. But clearly he is. How else would I be able to control all that water if he wasn’t my dad? Percy didn’t help either; he let me have all the glory. For a moment there I felt guilty turning my back on my real family.

Gaea is a clever dirtbag, she is.

As soon as I closed that fissure shut, the waterworks around me died. The water seeped back on the ground, going under the mountain where they were from. I flung my arms down in exhaustion but before I fell flat, Frank and Percy was there to catch me, Frank in his human form again.

“Wait…” I whispered as I gripped Percy’s arm. “I’m not wet.”

Yes, I wasn’t, surprisingly. Logically, I was supposed to be wet because the water smothered me. I felt it brushing on my arms and my legs. How come I didn’t get wet?

Percy just smiled at me. “If you don’t wanna get wet with the water, you won’t.”

“Oh, that’s great,” I said in relief. I guess I wouldn’t have to worry about drying myself up and getting pneumonia.

After a while, I was able enough to stand up and fight again. The power I discovered was so overwhelming that I completely forgot that we still had a fight to go through.

Annabeth said, “Come on guys. Let’s finish this up so we can go home.”

“So, what now? We failed. We didn’t get the Godly Pursuant,” I said morosely.

She just broke a smile with a hidden agenda. “I think we do.”

Before I could ask the next question, a battalion of various monsters surrounded us, hungry and waiting.

I looked at the half-bloods. Percy flexed Riptide in his hand. Leo spun his hammer and smirked at the monsters, the twinkling on his eyes were in a different level now. Piper flung her chocolate brown hair and balanced out Katoptris, swinging it fiercely. Hazel had her spear on the ready, her teeth bared. Jason flipped a golden coin and it turned into a sword, then he gave me a smile. Frank expanded his arms and in one swift moment, turned into a fully matured elephant. Annabeth gently arched her head and her body, primed to attack.

Hello Kitty became a blade staff in my hands. I smiled.

And when I stomped my foot on the ground, everything followed.

It took us the morning to be able to come out the mountain and sail back to camp. At first we had difficulty going out but I bore a hole at the side of the mountain for us to be able to go out. Some grand exit.

All of a sudden, Argo II felt like heaven.

“I’ve never fought like that my whole life,” Frank said with a worn-out voice, when we all lay on our backs on the ship deck, feeling the sweet, cold Canadian air, and sailed out of the area.

The Godly Pursuant (A Percy Jackson fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now