I put my hand on LR's cheek and felt my power flowing through him. 


He gasped and looked up at me with shocked eyes.

"Don't ever do that to me again. It felt like my energy was draining from me." 

I roll my eyes. "Pussy.."

he glares. I ignore him and look to the side and see that The Flash was still there in the snow still as a statue. Damn I did a number on him. LR looks at what im looking at and says something like asswhole. 

I help LR up.

"So what about him." He nods towards the body in the snow.

I smile and walk over to The Flash and pet his cheek. He looks at me and licks his bottom lip. I lean towards his ear and bite his earlobe. 

"Please go back to where you came from and tell your group of cunts to stop bothering me..."

He nods quick and speeds away and I sit in the snow stunned at his speed. He gets me every time. I stand up and sigh.

"That's what we do with him.."

"We could of unmasked him, you know that right?"

"No shit , it's more fun not knowing " I wink. 

He just rolls his eyes. "Come on we gotta keep moving."

He picks up Alpha and puts him over his shoulder. I smile and walk next to him and continue on. 

Unknown P.O.V

I look through the binoculars and smirk as I see my two targets.  One with purple dyed hair and one with blue, both wearing orange jump suits. 

I grab the radio. "Targets insight, Ready to eliminate." I pull out the sniper and aim at the purple haired one first. He started laughing at something funny as I load my ammo.

A low deep voice spoke through the radio. "No. Keep them in sight but don't engage"

I sigh and put the sniper behind me  and continue to look with my binoculars. The purple haired one jumps and celebrates as he points in front of him. I look forward and see two trucks that read 'Swat' on the side. I look back at them and see that the blue haired one rolls his eyes.

I raise my brow as I see something on his shoulder. It looks like a body. I zoom in with the binoculars and see that he looked like he was from an advanced site. On his back in bold letter it read 'Alpha'. 

I see a red flashing light from out the corner of my eye.

"Time to pursue."

-Lola bunny-


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