The Beauty that is YOU!

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As I entered the amusingly huge house, its interior is made of Italian, its paintings are a copy of the famous artist of the world, the "Spoliarium" even boast a whole wall. A lady dressed neatly wearing white maxi dress came in too greet us. She just casually greeted Carlos so I assumed it was her sister she told us that dinner is waiting to be served and we should just follow her(seems like a high end nanny to me). All carlos was saying "wait till you see it". Then what meets my eyes is a paradise, a garden of orchids blooming in row, and we are eating the middle so I was told, and by the far side you can see rushing clear waters as if there was a river nearby. When we arrived at the table, I got scared, am I meeting his parents? Why are there four chairs? When suddenly the lady sat down, and asked me to follow suit. Carlos was gentleman enough to pull my chair and give me space to sit. Then the girl said "by the way im Angel shorter for Angelique" I looked at her without staring and assesses her, she looks very familiar like a model from a magazine. I guess she noticed me staring at her," yeah I am the celebrity you keep seeing my screen name is Monique, I was born here but grew up in the U.S and two years ago I decided to come home" that explains why she is so pretty and familar she is a rising star! And she suddenly said "by the way I love your relationship im a fujoshi, its my hidden secret" jaw drops and Carlos just laughed at me. Food arrived surprisingly brought by Stephen followed by all their servants wearing fresh blue dresses that looks like they are ready for a party(wait where did all this people come from? When we arrived I didnt even see a single soul aside from Angel?) and sat beside Angel, then Angel said "the menu was made by me, I hope you like Japanese" then Stephen butted in " he doesnt eat seafood so we can have all the sushi thats why I made spicy chicken teriyaki so he can eat" then Angel just went into a loud squeal and said "thats so sweet marshyboo, you feed me with bl feels". And another jaw drop for me the two just laughed. The chicken was spicy and they didnt take even one, their sushi was all out when all three of them where served with whole lobsters. Omg!!! I idolize Angel now, with a body like that, but eats like an ox. I know this two are hearty eaters so no question to it. I consumed all the chicken and the rice I was served, I got into an eating spree just watching them (but got really jealous when the two locked eyes or when Angel had lobster meat in her cheek, Stephen, kissed her to remove it. It hurts. But at the same time happy my boyfriend is with me) I thought I was done, when I was served with pasta and bread (like what? This is weird) but heck I wasnt full. Wine kept on pouring in and finally when we are done Stephen yelled DESSE RTS!!!!! our table was cleared and ice cream in half kilos came in with different flavors to choose from, and when I looked at it Häagen Daaz was a screaming label! They had lobsters wines and now an expensive ice cream here in the country. Carlos told me to eat up and not be shy he said they had a fridge full of these saying its the only ice cream he saw that he liked. To my thoughts, just how rich this person is, ive been seeing lavish things, things I wouldnt even thought of being able to touch.

I was guided to a room at the second floor of the house. Carlos said, he wont be sleeping with me or else, round two wont be far from happening. His room was just down the hall thats what he said. My room was brightly lit and its walls are colored with blue along with the sheets and a touch of white. The room looks light and cool to the eyes and of course it has a mediterranean touch with an open patio. The moment I finished shower I sat on the bed, and damn!!! Its so soft. I lie down at the center and it feels so comfortable, the air and the scent outside sent scintillating feels that made me drowsy, Carlos knocked and entered my room and approached the bed and said, youre the most beautiful thing that had ever happened in my life. I love you so much. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and said, rest now my love and dream of me. I slept that night with a smile on my face.

I woke up the next day feeling happy and light, maybe because of what Carlos told me. I headed to the direction of the patio and the scent coming from the air outside entices me to come out at the patio. I took small steps while feeling the air in my face and the scent playing on my nostrils. When I reached the patio and looked at below, shocked hit me. It was a long stretch of orchids and it was different kinds. The pool made it look like just an accessory to the long stretch of flowers, thats the reason why ive been smelling orchids all night long. If I can only put it into words, but the best that I could describe is the place feels like "PARADISE". When I look down again, I saw a god bathing in the pool, my heart raced suddenly at the sight of the bathing beauty. It was Stephen, he was bathing in his skimpy swimming trunks, showing his glorious bulge. I think he noticed me staring and called me, "hey beautiful, come take a dip with me, dont expect for Carlos to come in he sleeps like an oil and Angel isnt a morning person either." He told me to just take the steps at the patio and when I look there are two staircases, this is just so grand. I took a sit at the table near the pool while appreciating the beauty of the god that is bathing at the pool, I was imagining stuff when a soft voice said," sir what will I get you?" I looked at the direction of the sweet voice and assessed that she is younger than me and doesnt look bad in those maid uniforms. I asked her if she could kindly get me breakfast and milk no seafood or fish. After hearing it she vanished out. Stephen called me out and asked me to take a dip with him, he told me to just be on my underwears, I was wearing boxer shorts and sandos so I just took off my boxer shorts and was just wearing sandos and briefs. I sat at the edge of the pool, the pools waters is flowing because a river beside it sustains its waters and it flows directly back to the river making an illusion of an infinity pool. Stephen got off from the pool and chose to sit beside me, his body was dripping with water and god knows how hard I tried to resist looking down at the glorious bulge. His body was shimmering everytime a ray of the sun hit him. Gosh!!! He looks like a god and my heart is racing from the sight of him. He suddenly held my face and brushed my cheeks. He held my chin and made me look at his direction and told me "youre so beautiful, if only". And his face was drawing near to my face, my heart raced and I feel like I was still in a dream, then his finger touched my face again and his other hand brushed my face, I didnt mind his last statement the word "if only" when he suddenly said got it!, you have the morning in your eyes. Ugh! I thought he was being romantic, he was just being an ass! But hell, my heart raced and im sure I was blushing hard and he noticed it. Food came in and platters of food was served and an additional table was added the girl with a soft voice spoke,"we dont know what to get you so the cook made everything he could think off for breakfast and hot fresh milk is here too, if you cant finish them all sir Stephen is there to finish them and if you don't like the taste tell us and will change it". I was like really? How could I not like how this would taste if it is presented nicely the food served made my stomach grumble so I grabbed a mug and poured milk. Stephen then added, "im sure,they milked the cow for you and had that sterilized try it its good and pass one for me too!" I gave him a cup and when I tried it, it taste differently from the cartoned boxed milk and it really does taste great. While eating I cant help but land a look at Stephen, his face makes it harder for me to resist looking at him. He suddenly said "take a picture it last longer". He caught me, he freaking caught me staring at him. And again I was blushing hard, he then said that he will tour me around and he was so excited and sure that I would love the place. Good thing that he didnt linger on the idea that I was staring at him or else I would have died from blushing hard.

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