Chapter 19- Healing

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A/N: Your are welcome! A third one! I might not be able to update much this weekend, and we are nearing the end, so I figured I'd make up for it:) I think this is my favorite chapter, because its just so freaking cute...

It only takes me a few moments alone before I start to break down again. I can't believe this is happening. I thought we had something. But somewhere deep down, I knew, didn't I? I was warned time and time again, and it never really felt right. I was always just a fan to him. By the time I reach Jordan's door I'm almost in tears again. I knock quickly, wanting to get out of this hallway before I have a meltdown, which is, of course, inevitable.

*Jordan's POV*

As soon as I open the door, I know something is wrong. She's dressed up, but her makeup is smeared and she looks to be on the verge of tears. And I know, in my heart, that Mitch has done this to her. "What did he do?" I say, anger and worry filling my voice. She shrugs listlessly, closing her eyes. "He cheated." Is all she says, a tear running down her cheek on a well carved path. I can't stand this. I knew it. And now she's hurt, and that's not ok. I don't press the subject, since the last thing I'd want to do is retell whatever happened. I pull her inside, and sit her down on the couch. I sit for a moment, watching her stare at the wall. He's gone and done it now. Completely broken her. And now I'll fix her. But it infuriates me to know end. That he thinks he can pick up and throw away girls like this, and completely break them. Especially wonderful, beautiful, perfect ones like her. I get up to make her some tea or something, but she grabs my hand, sending tingles up my arm. "Stay, please." She says, emptily. That's probably what stings the most, is her desolation. I hate seeing her like this. So I sit back down, keeping a hold of her hand. She leans her head on my shoulder, and a flicker of hope sparks in my chest, one that I was convinced was long gone. I knew this was going to happen, so I waited. But it hurt, seeing her with him the whole time. I move a bit closer to her, only wanting to make her better. I'm quite literally her shoulder to cry on. "You were right." She gets out, voice shaky. Then she bursts into tears, and I wrap her in my arms, trying desperately to heal her with only my embrace. I know it will take time, and I can't heal what he's done on my own. But I'll try.

*Ali's POV*

He doesn't brag, or say anything about how right he was. He doesn't say anything at all. He just holds me, which is honestly the best thing for me right now. It's like he's holding me together. Without him, I would just fall to pieces. "You warned me and didn't listen. I'm so stupid." I say, tears running down my cheeks. "You are not stupid Ali. You are smart and beautiful and amazing. But everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Sometimes we have to make them, so we know for the next time." He says, his voice calm. But I hear an undercurrent of frustration. At Mitch, I'd imagine. I bury my face in his black shirt, tears squeezing out of my eyes, despite my best efforts. "I'm sorry Jordan." I get out, muffled by his chest. "Don't be. I'm here, just like I said. I've always been here." I smile weakly at him. "I can never see what's best for me until it's staring me straight in the face." I say, looking straight at him. He shuts his eyes, smiling slightly, a look so peaceful that it calms me just to see it. His cool lips press to my forehead, gently. Warmth spreads from that point, slowly, ever so slowly. But it's there. And I can feel it healing as it goes. He's good, so good for me. And I can't believe I didn't see it until now. I stumble over what I say next, not sure if it's too soon. "I think I love you Jordan." His face lights up, and he grins "I sure hope so." The warmth starts to spread faster. I can feel myself becoming whole again. All because of him. My heart still hurts, and it probably will for a while. But he's here. And I love him. And it feels so good to finally realize it.

I doze off in his arms. He doesn't let go of me, and we fall asleep like that, me wrapped in his arms. And just before I fall into the calm abyss of sleep, I hear him whisper "I love you too Ali."

A/N: awwwwwwwwww long live ali and Jordan!!! slap dat vote button for them, and drop a comment with sequel title ideas!! there is one more huge final scene (2-3chpters) and then sequel time!!


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