Chapter 13- Happy

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I don't even have time to scream before my medical instincts kick in. My heart pounds in worry. I'm not sure what would happen if I lost him. I grab some towels, sliding to the floor and wrapping them tightly around his forearms, trying to staunch the bleeding. He hasn't lost too much, so I don't think he needs to go to the hospital. Nor would he want to anyways. It would get out somehow; people would get gossipy. It would just be a disaster. He drifts in and out of consciousness, occasionally mumbling something unintelligible. I bite my lip, worried out of my mind about him, physically and mentally. "Why, Jordan?" I whisper, looking at his face. I stand up, searching the cabinets for bandages. I eventually find a sparse amount, and wrap up the cuts snugly after washing them off with some warm water. It's the best I can do right now. He rolls his head to the side slightly. His face is tear stained, and there is blood on his shirt. I sigh, sitting back on my heels and considering what to do. I don't want to know what might have happened. If I hadn't come over. If he hadn't called me. So I try not to think about it. I grab another towel and start to mop up the blood on the floor. Shame about the towels, but that's not really my biggest concerns. His pants are mostly untouched, which is good, because I don't particularly feel like taking those off. My forehead knots in frustration. I can't move him! So I decide to clean him up a bit more, hoping he'd wake up soon. It shouldn't be long. I peel off his shirt carefully, not wanting to disturb him too much. I keep my eyes away from his chest, as hard as it is. I walk into his room, throwing the shirt in the garbage and pulling my mouth to one side. It's a little weird to go through his clothes, isn't it? But I don't see any other option. He's lying on the bathroom floor shirtless. So I sigh and walk to the dresser, opening drawers and searching for a t-shirt. I eventually find a black one, and pull it out gratefully, feeling wholly uncomfortable about the situation. I wipe him off quickly, and very awkwardly, might I add, and put on the shirt quickly, sighing in relief. That was just weird. I still can't figure out a way to get him out of the bathroom. He's too heavy for my weak self to lift, and dragging him into the hallway does not sound safe at all. So I sit, leaning my back on the wall, and wait for him to surface fully. It only takes a few minutes. His eyelids flutter open, and he seems confused. "Ali?" I nod. He looks down at himself, eyes lingering on his arms "What did I do?" he whispers, his voice slightly panicky. I scoot over to him "I found you on the floor bleeding." I pause, looking down in pain "What happened?" He sighs, his face falling as he remembers "Ryan... he's going on a trip with Team Crafted. I lost it." He says, forehead furrowed in anxiousness and sorrow. "I just lost it." He repeats almost bitterly, burying his face in his hands. "I'm so sorry." I whisper, not thinking of anything better to say. I have no intention of scolding him for cutting; I probably would have done the same thing. But since I met him, I haven't. I haven't felt like I needed to. "What am I going to do Ali?" he says, voice desperate. "Well, he's not mad at you is he? He'll still be your friend." I say, trying to reassure him. He sighs "Not exactly. I've seen this happen. It starts with a few videos, then they hang out in person, and the next thing you know I'm the bad guy." I want to protest, and say that they aren't really that bed, but they are bad to him. Maybe not to everyone else, but they are horrible to him. And because of that, I shut my mouth. "I'm here." I say, rather sarcastically. I'm probably pretty minor to him, but hey, why not? He smiles a bit, looking up at me "I'm lucky like that." I blush slightly, not expecting that answer. He is such a good guy. As messed up as we both are, I can live with that. I pull my knees to my chest, smiling. Maybe we can fix each other. He moves over so he sits directly in front of me, cross legged. I look up, straight into his eyes, and they sparkle. Just like him.

*Jordan's POV*

I look at her, for the first time seeing how insecure she really is. But she puts it all aside for me. Takes care of me without another thought. She's really the only person I can trust right now. A piece of her blonde hair falls in front of her left eyes, so I push it behind her ear carefully. She smiles shyly at the ground. My heart flutters slightly at how adorable that is. I might have to put an end to this whole shy-girl business though. So I lean in and our lips meet.

*Ali's POV*

This time is different. It doesn't feel like Mitch; not as fiery, but it's amazing. He's soft and warm and gentle. But I can feel the sparks. It's different, sure, but just as good. It's less heated, less stressful. My mind races with possibilities. I should feel guilty, but Mitch and I aren't even dating. I should feel inferior, but he makes me happy. He accepts me, and I love it. I break the contact for a moment, and in a brief moment of reckless courage, wrap my legs around his waist and pull myself closer to him, in such a way that our chests meet and I can feel his strong heartbeat. Stronger than my own. One that I hope never fades. He looks peaceful, and above all happy. More radiant than I've seen in a while. He presses his forehead to mine, and I smile, a blissful feeling washing over me. I close my eyes, and then I feel his lips on mine again, and I move with him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I don't think I've really ever felt this happy. Not even with Mitch. I was unsure then. But with Jordan, I feel confident. He makes me this way, that I am sure of. He's saved me all over again.

A/N: Wow the imagery....idk I just pictured that scene really well. Anyways, slap dat vote button and drop a comment if you like the Jordan side of things;) See you doods next time!


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