Chapter 3- Team Crafted

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I don’t make it past the entry way before my mother is onto me like the Spanish Inquisition. “Where were you? Are you ok? Are you hurt?” I laugh softly. “Hospital. Yes. No. Mit-“ I stop myself. She didn’t need to know about him just yet. “This guy took me to the hospital and home.” She still looks upset. “You let some random guy drive you around?!” I shake my head “I knew him.” She raises an eyebrow, not quite believing me. But its true. I just didn’t know him in person. “Mmmhhhmmm.”  I roll my eyes and walk upstairs. Uhhh tomorrow’s Monday. I’m definitely not looking forward to the start of finals week. I log onto my computer immediately.

*Mitch’s POV*

“Biggums!!” I yell into the house. “Benja!” Jerome yells from upstairs. “Budder!!” Adam screams from the kitchen. I laugh, throwing my jacket on the couch. I run up the stairs, taking two at a time. “Where is everybody?” I ask, entering Jerome’s room, flopping down on his bed. “Ian and Jason went to the movies, the fish is recording, and who knows where Ty is!” he says, spinning around in his chair, and taking off his headphones. “Probably in the kitchen slurping Adam’s budder.” I say suggestively. Jerome slurps and we both burst out laughing. “Naw he’s probably outside.” Jerome raises an eyebrow. “Impossibrew!” he says, gesturing to the window, where of course it is pouring rain. “Nice weather they got here, isn’t it?” I say. Jerome smiles. “Oh absolutely. But I’m glad we’re going back in a few days.” My face falls a bit, remembering I’ll be leaving soon. I genuinely like it here. My mind snaps to Ali. “Oh, Biggums, there’s someone you should meet.” I say, grabbing my laptop. I left it in here from earlier, when we recorded some Pixelmon.  Then I realize I hadn’t gotten her number, only gave her mine. I shut the screen, sighing. “Nevermind.” He looks at me for an explanation. “I was a jag and gave her my number. I didn’t get hers.” I say. He wiggles his eyebrows “G. G. And this is a lady bacca? Get at it.” he says, teasing me. I laugh, shaking my head. “It’s not like that yet, biggums.” Was it?

*Ali’s POV*

I post on my Facebook page “Not every day that you get taken to the hospital by a famous youtuber.” I tag Mitch’s page, and not a minute later, he responds. “Skype me dood!” I practically throw my phone across the room and run to my computer. I type in the number carefully taking a deep breath. I hit call. Only then do I realize I probably look like I jumped in a garbage can, but it’s too late. Mitch’s face pops up on the screen. “Hey dood!” I smile “Sup? Long time no see!” He laughs. Then Jerome’s face comes in front of the camera, sideways. “Why hello there.” He says sexily, and Mitch slaps him. I laugh “Hey Jerome.” He then looks a bit shocked. “Wait you’re dating a fan?” I blush. “We aren’t dating.” I say softly. Not at the moment, anyways. Mitch glares at Jerome. “Yeah, she watches our vids. Problem, bacca?” His protectiveness is kinda funny.  Jerome throws his hands up “Sorry! Didn’t mean to offend anyone.” Mitch smiles again, the tension gone. “I’ll leave you two alone.” Jerome says, wiggling his eyebrows. I blush again, pushing my hair back out of my face. I catch Mitch staring at me wistfully. “What?” I ask. He blinks “Oh. Sorry.” I grin; he’s such a boy.

*Mitch’s POV*

“Sorry about Jerome.” I say, looking at him from across the room. “He’s…” Ali finishes my sentence. “Special?” I laugh, shaking my head. “Yes, actually.” Jerome acts offended. Silently, though. On an impulse, I ask “Do you want to come over later?” Shock plays on her face, then a wide grin. I probably seem like a creep, but I want to hang out. To my surprise, she answers “Sure! See you in a few?” I smile relieved. “Hokep. Bye!” I almost end the call, but then remember I was seconds away from making another dumb mistake. “Oh!” I list off the address. She laughs “Good to know!” Then she ends the call. I close the screen, flopping my head back on the pillow. I wasn’t falling for a fan, was I? No, she is just a friend. But something tugs at me, telling me otherwise. I ignore it, getting up. I look around the room. Oh god, this place is a mess. I panic, and start running around, throwing things in the closet. I bolt down the stairs picking up dirty dishes as I go. I yell “There’s a girl coming over! Clean up and put on clothes!” Adam pops up from a nap on the couch, in his boxers. “Shit, Mitch! What girl?!” I shrug. “Her name’s Ali. Put some freakin’ pants on!” He sighs and runs up the stairs. What did I just get myself into?

A/N: Sorry its short, I'm running low on time, and I have homework. Slap dat vote button, and I'll see you doods next time!

Waiting For Superman- A Team Crafted/ CaptianSparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now