Chapter 12- Betrayal Hurts

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*Jordan's POV*

I open my Minecraft, turn on the mike, and smooth my hair. I haven't recorded anything for a few days, and I'm running low on footage, so Hunger Games sounded good. I text Ryan, hoping he's free. He's quick to respond, as usual. "Sure." His phone is like his child. I chuckle and open a Skype call. "Hey dude!" he says, peppy. I look at him funny "What's the occasion?" He shakes his head "Aw nothing. Just in the mood for some Hungry Games with my boi!" He's acting kind of weird, to be honest. Most of the time he's not so enthusiastic. I shake it off and open Mineplex, almost simultaneously pressing F6 to record. "Alright, what's going on dudes, and today we're playing the Hungry games with..." I pause, and Ryan jumps in "xRPMx13, aka the incredibly good looking gamer!" I laugh. "Lobby 10, game 7?" "Already on it." The game starts quickly with everyone flooding our lobby and spamming the chat. "In a world where there's a guy with an epic skin next to me." I say in my dramatic voice, referring to the guy with a Fallen Kingdom king skin next to me on his platform. "3,2,1... Here we go!" Ryan says, and I leap off, rushing to spawn to grab a few chests.

*Le time skip to Death match*

"No! No don't do dis!" Ryan yells while running in circles away from my diamond sword that I got at the supply drop. "Ur boi! It's ur boi!!" I yell as I get the final hit and he explodes into a pile of items. "GG man." He says "Yeah good job!" I return, typing the customary GG in the chat. The server disconnects, and he sighs "Another?" I shrug "Sure!" Then his Skype goes off, and he accidently click group call, bringing whoever the person was into the call. I freeze. It's Mitch. "Oh... maybe I should call you back." He says, glaring at me. Ryan's face is white as a sheet. "I think that would be best." I say, in a quiet but tense voice. I don't want to see his face, or hear his voice, or anything. Mitch glances away for a moment "Just wanted to know when I should pick you up." He says, and ends the call. The room is dead silent. What he said sinks in. Pick him up? Are they going somewhere? "Ryan. What did he mean by that?" I say, my voice quiet, but angry. "Uh... we're going to Las Vegas for the week." He mumbles. I blink in shock. I knew that he sometimes recorded with them, but this is different. He knows exactly how I feel about them, and what they did to me. He is my friend, not theirs. He's one of the only people I have left. "What?" I say, my voice shaking slightly. "I'm sorry Jordan. There's a big sponsor opportunity, and I just think it would be fun." I guess the pressure to make money and be one of the cool kids was just too much for him. "I see." I say, tense, trying not to explode, or cry, or whatever I may do. He clears his throat awkwardly. "I should go." I say, and he nods, ending the call. The screen goes blank, and just like that, I'm sure they've gotten to him. I've lost the one friend I had left.

Then I do explode, standing abruptly. He betrayed me! My headphones snap upward, knocking my microphone off the table with a crash. I rip them off, practically throwing them on the table. I stare at my equipment. Why do I even bother? I clench my fists, fuming. I hate them. I hate everything they stand for and what they've done to me. I turn and kick my chair over, yelling in frustration. I storm out of the room, slamming the door behind me. Then I turn around, slamming my fists against it and leaning on them. Why me? What made them hate me so much? My anger turns to despair, and I slide to the floor, leaning my back on the door. I bury my face in my hands, holding back tears. Their words float around in my head. "Why don't you ever come over Spanklez? I can't believe how much of a loner you are." Mitch says sarcastically. Normally, I would call Ryan and rant about this, but I don't even have him anymore. But I do have someone. I have Ali.

*Ali's POV*

My phone buzzes and I check it quickly, because it might be Mitch. I set aside my textbook and papers, and see that it is Jordan. "Can you come over?" the text reads. I frown. What happened? And what would Mitch think of this? I shake my head. He's my friend, and I have to be there for him "Be over in a few."

I get to his apartment in about 15 minutes, knocking on the door and anxiously waiting. There is no answer. I knock again. Still nothing. A bad feeling grows in the pit of my stomach. I try the handle, and it's unlocked. "Jordan?" I call into the empty house. He's moving to the condo soon, so the furniture is in disarray and boxes sit in the halls. Again, there is no answer. I shut the door behind me, and anxious feeling growing, and walk through the halls, searching each room. He shouldn't have left if he texted me to come over. I stop short when I see the bathroom, and panic races through me.

I see red, lots of it. And Jordan is on the ground, bleeding from long cuts on his forearms. Unconscious.

A/N: Ahh no Jordan!! Lol cliffhanger! Anyways, if you enjoyed and want more, slap dat vote button, and Ill see you dudes next time!

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