Chapter 2- Mitch

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I blink a few times, wondering why the ceiling was spinning. Then, I hear hurried footsteps. A familiar face appears above me. I shut my eyes tight, then open them again, partially to clear my vision, and partially to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. Mitchell Hughes looks down at me, concerned. The Bajan Canadian is standing above me. And I just passed out like a completely fangirling idiot! I groan in embarrassment., but apparently it sounded like pain, because he says something to the employee. “Should I call 911?” I hear.  Mitch yells back “No! I’ll take her in, its fine.” Did I just here that right? I shut my eyes again. No freakin way.  I absolutely refuse to let myself believe it, because when I wake up, I’ll be disappointed. “Are you sure?” the guy at the desk says. “Yeah.” Mitch says a bit quieter. I open my eyes again. Sure enough, his perfect face is still there. Then, I feel him pick me up, easily. I’m pretty light, 110 maybe. My metabolism is pretty high. Then my eyes snap open wide, and I make a noise. I’m not really sure what I said, it was more like a squeal. “Are you ok?” he asks me, and I pass out again.

I wake up to the bright lights of the hospital. I blink a few times, trying to remember why I’m here. When I do, I bolt up, accidently ripping a few wires out of me. A buzzer goes off and a nurse rushes in. I look around, and realize that Mitch has been sitting in a chair near the window this entire time. He’s looking at me, puzzled. I hear the heart monitor pick up, and I blush. That is such a dead giveaway! I look away, back to the nurse. She looks at me expectantly. I raise an eyebrow “Um…where am I?” she sighs, a bit relieved I’m not catatonic. “St. Mary’s Hospital. You passed out; this young man brought you in. Don’t worry its only been about half an hour. May I have your name and contact please?” I blink, taking in the information, and realizing I have to function on a somewhat efficient level. “Um Alison Jones, call my mom Lana Jones.”I list of the number and she scribbles it on her clipboard. “Ok, we’ll let her know you’re ok. You are 18?” I nod. “Ok then, you’re free to go.” She walks out of the room. I’m surprised they don’t need proof of age or what not, but whatever. I pull out my phone and find a billion and one missed calls. I text my mom ‘I’m fine, I’ll be home soon.’ I could take a cab or something. Then I realize Mitch is still here and turn to look at him, wondering if he’s overly annoyed with me. “Thank you.” I say, probably sounding like an idiot, but surprised I had the nerve to say anything at all. He grins “Well if someone passes out behind me, I tend to help them out.” I smile. He’s not that different in real life. “Why did you pass out, by the way?” I swallow. “Um... Must have been dehydrated or something.” Lie. I looks a bit reluctant to believe me, but doesn’t say anything. “I’m Mitch, by the way.” He holds out his hand. I shake it, my heart pounding. Glad the heart monitors unhooked.  I resist the urge to say ’I know’ and smile. “Ali.” I don’t mention anything about how I’m a huge fan or obsess over him every day or anything. “What brings you to Seattle?” I blurt out, curious as to why he isn’t in Canada or LA. Then I realize what I said and blush deeply. Shit!! He looks at me funny. “Visiting a friend… How’d you know I wasn’t from here?” I could have told him because he was tan or something, but I figure the cat’s pretty much out of the bag. It only takes one word to explain. “Fan.” He nods slowly, and I look down awkwardly. “Oh… wait I’m not why you fainted, am I?” he asks, shocked at this notion. “Ah… maybe just a bit.” I say. “Well, sorry.” He says, looking a little upset. I laugh “No, it was worth it.” I mentally slap myself again. Stop being such a creeper!! He smiles at the ground shyly, I can imagine why. “Do you need a ride home?” he blurts out, breaking to awkward tension that was still hanging in the air. I refuse to let myself freak-out once again, and smile. “Um yeah actually, that would be great.” He grins. “Lee go!” he gestures to the door, and I stand, pulling down my sweatshirt again. He glances at it. “Spanklez huh?” I chuckle at their nickname for him. “Yeah him too.” He turns and walks toward the door, quietly. That’s a bit odd. Mitch usually doesn’t ignore anything.

We reach his car and I try to avoid gapping like an idiot. It’s a Mustang, red. YouTube pays, I suppose. “Should I really be getting into a stranger’s car?” I joke, regaining my nerve slightly. “You know me though.” He says, grinning widely. “Hey, don’t use my fan against me.” I say, smiling.

He smiles a lot, I think as I buckle up. “Safety first!” he yells. I laugh. “So where to?” he asks. I stop, repressing another giggle, and tell him the address. “Oh, that’s really close to Adam’s place.” My stomach flips. “Adam as in Sky?” He nods. “That’s why I’m here after all. We’re helping him pack to move to the LA house. I’ve been living near Sky Does freaking Minecraft and never knew it? “Oh right, the Team Crafted house.” He smiles again. “What?” I ask. “It’s just funny how you already know everything. I don’t have to explain my crazy life.” I blink. “Is that a bad thing?” He shakes his head. “Naw, its actually kind of cool.” Ok, so now my stalking is apparently cool. Today is just messed up. “I’m one in approximately 2 million, Mitch.” I say. He shrugs “I think you go above the normal fandom.” My heart falls a bit. He does think I’m’ weird. That I’m a stupid fan girl that’s more obsessed than the other. I swallow the emotion rising in my chest. He looks over realizing I’m upset. “Oh no! Not like that! I didn’t mean it like that.” He says, trying to backpedal. I look down “Sure. It’s fine.” My voice is quite and soft. “I’m not that big of a jag! I mean you are different in a good way. You seem to care about me, not just my games.” He thinks for a moment. “That sounded pretty stuck up too, didn’t it?” I smile, feeling better, at least a bit. “No, not at all. You’re a good guy.” I say, and genuinely mean it. He smiles “Thank you.” I scoff “You probably hear that every day.” He shrugs “Actually no. Most people think I’m just funny. But all the Seto stuff makes them think I’m a total jerk.” He says, his voice softening a bit. I think he just admitted something big. “To be honest, I feel like one too.” He continues. I reach over and touch his shoulder. “No Mitch. I understand why you guys had to do it. And you are absolutely not a jerk. You are one of the best, nicest, and sensitive people I know.” I say, telling him what I’ve been posting in the comments for months. He looks at me, and I think I see a glint of tears in his eyes, but he blinks, and it’s gone. “I don’t think you know how much that means to me.” He says, putting a hand on mine, which is still resting on his shoulder. I shiver, and pull my hand back, still refusing to believe this is real. He smiles slightly, and I realize we’ve been stopped in my driveway for at least 2 minutes. I blush, but I’m also sad, because I’ll probably never see him again. “Well… I should go.” I say, opening the door. “Wait!” he says, grabbing my other arm. I look back, savoring his touch. “Would you like to record sometime?” My heart leaps. A perfect nerd hangout.  I grin, unable to contain my excitement. I don’t think he realizes that he just made my life with those 6 words. “Um, yeah!” He takes a pen and writes his Skype on my hand. “Call me whenever, ok?” His eyes glint. I nod. “Bye.” As I start to shut the door, I stop and lean back in “And thanks again.” He smiles at me. “Thank you, Ali.” I walk to me house, shutting the front door behind me. I sink to the floor, taking a deep breath. I have a date with the Bajan Canadian.

A/N: Yeah buddy! They finally meet! Well I guess its only been one chapter, but... whatever. Tell me what you think, and I'll see you doods next time!

Waiting For Superman- A Team Crafted/ CaptianSparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now