Chapter 9- The Dream

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I end up falling asleep on his couch, since it was so late when I got here. My dreams are vivid, and usually, they aren't very nice.

I stand in the doorway of the Team Crafted house, wearing my usual hoodie. Mitch stands at the back of the entryway, staring at me. Jerome stands off to the side of the door, Adam, Ty, and Ian behind him. I can see Jason and Matt in the hall behind Mitch. I frown. What's going on? I turn back to look outside. Maybe I should leave. Jordan stands across the street, alone. I can see Ryan walking away from the house down the street. Why is everyone here? Jordan's arms are crossed, and his face is angry, maybe even upset. I look at Jerome desperately. "You're going to have to choose Ali." He says, glancing nervously at the developing standoff. Then I understand. Mitch and Jordan. I have to choose one. Suddenly it doesn't matter how I got here or why everyone is this way; I'm only focused on the two people that I could easily be with. My heart pounds. How can I choose just one? I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans "I..." I stutter. I can't pick a person, that's not how this works! It isn't fair! But I know Jerome is right. They hate each other, and I can't have both. "Choose." Adam says again. "I... I can't." I say, spitting out my thoughts. I don't move, because a step in either direction would indicate a preference. "Ali, please." Mitch says, his eyes pleading. I start to panic a bit. Why do I have to make this decision now!? I need more time, I just need them both! I glance back and forth. Jordan looks at me, almost desperately. "Ali..." he whispers, sounding broken. Jordan will always be there, but Mitch is so magnetic. I whip my head back and forth, bouncing on the balls of my feet. I shake my head "I can't....I can't!" I say, my voice rising. Jerome sighs "Then you might want to get out of the way." He pulls me out of the entry way as Mitch and Jordan start towards each other, looking angrier and more violent by the second. My heart pounds harder. They can't fight each other! "Wait!" I yell, and they freeze, all eyes turning on me. "It doesn't have to be this way!" I say, my voice as desperate as my heart. Jason laughs from the hallway "Don't you see Ali? You can't have them both. This is the only way." I run my hands through my hair, not knowing what to do. Jordan breaks into a run, meeting Mitch in the center of the entryway. Mitch aims a kick at his side, but Jordan dodges it and comes up with a punch to the nose. Mitch's head snaps back, and he lunges forward with reinvigorated fury. I start to hyperventilate, not wanting either one to get hurt. I know they will kill each other. One will die. I don't want to stand here and watch, but what else can I do? I cannot live without either one. A buzzing noise fills my ears as panic sets in. This is my fault. This is all my fault, I think as Jordan punches Mitch again. "Biggums!" Jerome yells, trying to run to Mitch. But Adam holds him back. His eyes are filled with an inexplicable sadness and horror. Similar to how I feel. My eyes snap back to the fight, where Jordan has almost pinned Mitch. But as he lunges forward, Mitch reaches down into his waistband and pulls out a shiny, metal object. A gun. A loud bang echoes off the walls of the house. Everything goes silent for a moment. Then a horrified, primal scream rips through my throat as Jordan stumbles backwards, a red stain spreading on his chest. His eyes are shocked, and his face goes pale. "Noo!!!!" I scream again, breaking free of Ian's grasp that he supplied when the fight began. My voice is high pitch and horrible, but I don't care. All I can think about is Jordan, bleeding. Dying. All my fault. He falls backwards, his back making a loud thunk on the marble floor. "Mitch!" I hear Jerome yell from behind me as he runs to his friend. But my eyes only see Jordan. I slide on the ground as I kneel next to him, murmuring "Oh God, please Jordan, don't die. Don't die." Tears start to run down my cheeks. I press my palms over the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. I may be a vet, but I know a lot about humans too. And, try as I might, I know that this is hopeless. He's lost too much blood already. "No, no, no." I whisper, my heart being ripped out of my chest. Why didn't I just choose? This never would have happened! He smiles weakly at me, and coughs up a bit of blood. I sob once, touching his face. "I choose you." I whisper, unbearable pain filling me as my tears drip onto his chest. He smiles wider, looking happier and more peaceful than I've ever seen him. "Good." He whispers, and then stops breathing. "JORDAN!!!" rips through my throat, loud and piercing in the silence of the room. I throw myself over him, crying uncontrollably, only wanting for him to come back, to be with me. "Please." I whisper softly.

I sit up with a gasp, my eyes wide, panting. I shut my eyes tight for a moment, confused. "Ali?" Jordan's voice says. Jordan. My eyes snap open and I throw myself at him, hugging him so tight it almost hurts. "You're alive!" I say, laughing a bit, but also almost starting to cry again, in relief. He staggers a bit as I let him go. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine." His face is a but shocked, but in a pleasant way. I step back. Opps. "Sorry." I say, blushing and sitting back down. He sits down next to me. "It's fine... just, what happened?"

A/N: Yes, it was a dream, don't freak out! Thanks so very much for readin, slap dat vote button, and I'll see you doods next time:)

Waiting For Superman- A Team Crafted/ CaptianSparklez FanficWhere stories live. Discover now