Chapter 11- Reconciliation

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*Mitch's POV* (yeah boy )

"No plz!!! I fan!!" I yell as I run from Jerome, who chases me with a Nerf gun up the winding staircase. Ian screams in his derp voice as Adam chucks sticks of butter at him, barricaded behind the couch. Ty dive rolls between pillows that he's set up as a fort. Quentin just stands there, eating a banana and watching the chaos unfold. Let's just say someone yelled "Free for all!" during lunch. And in this house, that is the call for an all-out battle. I bust open the door to my room, panting. I grab the foam diamond sword that lays on my bed, spinning around to face Jerome. He yells loudly, as he rapid fires foam pellets at me. I deflect most of them with the sword, and charge at the bacca, mimicking his battle yell. Just as I'm about to tackle him, my Skype starts to ring, and I stop dead. We lock eyes for a moment, and then bolt toward the computer, tripping over each other and random things that lie on the floor. I'm not the most organized or neat person, but I know how to move through my tornado of a room. I maneuver carefully through what seems like a Minefield, but Jerome rushes blindly forward. He goes down about halfway across the room, only slightly behind me. As he falls, he grabs my ankle. I fall on my face, and he tries to climb over me, managing to shove my face into a dirty sock. I squirm, but he's already up. I scramble, but he hits the button. "Hello?" I see that it's Ali, but I'm too focused on the battle to really comprehend it. I put my finger to my lips so she won't give it away. I stand slowly. "Hi...Jerome?" she says, glancing at me briefly. I take one step back, and run forward, using the momentum to launch myself onto Jerome's back, yelling "Agghhhhh!" We fall backwards with an audible thump, and Jerome yells in surprise. I stand up as quick as I can, running forward and slamming down into my chair. "Mitch!" Jerome whines, and I roll my eyes, but I'm smiling, because that was pretty epic. "Hey." I say breathlessly. Then I realize its Ali. Who I never thought I would see again. Who I thought hated me. Her hand is over her mouth, laughing. I start to laugh also, happier than I should be that she called. I see Jerome slide out of the room quietly through the camera. That bacca has caused enough trouble today. "Typical day at my house." I say, smiling. That must have seemed pretty odd to someone who doesn't live here. She sighs, and things go quiet. Well, she probably called for a reason. YOLO, right? "Listen, Ali, about last time..." I start, knowing this needs to be talked about. She shakes her head "No. I'd like to just forget that happened. I probably overreacted. Just one question. Do you hate me?" she asks, brushing her hair out of her face. I laugh, not able to stop myself. I'm so surprised that she still thinks that. "No! I was worried you hated me!" I say, my face bright. She grins, looking mischievous "Well..." I raise an eyebrow. "Kidding." She says, laughing. I smile. I guess my video apology was enough. "So we just needed to communicate." I say. She nods. "So, what's been happening with your life since then?" I ask, tilting my head slightly. A lot can happen in 5 months. "Now that is a long story. I'm in LA for college." She says, shrugging. My face lights up "You're in LA?! Dude we have to hang out!" Her face twists slightly. Either in worry, or pain. I go silent. Maybe that was too forward. "I mean, if you want to." I say, realizing that I probably hurt her more than she's letting on. "Maybe in a few weeks." She says, smiling slightly and nodding. That's better than not at all, I guess. I grin "Well what's your number then?" She smiles and types it in the chat "Yeah, since I'm not going to be at my computer all of the time." I nod, putting it in my phone, and texting her. "There, now you have mine." I say with a grin. "I'm glad I called." She says, grinning. My heart leaps slightly "Me too." I say, staring at her. I didn't realize how much I really missed her. She sighs "Well, I have homework, so..." I lean back in my chair a bit, nodding. "I'll talk to you later." I say, smiling.

*Ali's POV*

I lean back in my chair as the call ends. So he doesn't hate me. That's good. I feel warm, and happy, which is even better. But I'm not quite ready to trust him yet. And what about Jordan? I don't think he'd react to this so well. I probably won't tell him. Not yet. I frown. This could get a lot more complicated than I thought. But I had to fix things with Mitch. And I'm by no means giving up Jordan.

As I walk back out into the living room, Emily spins around in a swivel chair, laughing evilly while petting a stuffed cat. Apparently she brought that with her. I burst out laughing after looking at her funny for a second. She soon joins in, breaking her ridiculous persona. "What. Are. You. Doing?!" I get out between breaths. She shakes her head, still chuckling "Just messing with you. Any ways, how did it go?" she says, rapidly locking onto what she's been so painstakingly waiting to find out. I sigh "Good, I guess. We're at least talking now." She grins "Told ya." I stick out my tongue at her, and she does the same back. I laugh. I know I have a friend in her, one of the first in my life.

A/N: Yay they made up! But know things get nice and dramatic:) Anyways, slap dat vote button, and I'll see you dudes next time!

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