Chapter 15- just... yeah never mind read it.

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Em has been out for the past hour, and won't be back for another. Don't get me wrong, it's not like she's on a date or anything. We just needed some groceries. Which worked out quite well for me, since I didn't exactly tell her Mitch was coming over. Mostly because she would have flipped out. But then again, I'm doing just that. I'm not sure why there is such a difference between my nervousness level around Jordan, and around Mitch. I spent half an hour straightening my hair, which is a really long time for me. Plus I haven't stopped pacing for the past 10 minutes. I order pizza, obviously, since I can't cook to save my freaking life.

I just about jump out of my skin when Mitch knocks on the door. I walk quickly to it, taking a deep breath before answering. When I see him, it feels a little like I've been slapped, but in a good way. Of course that makes no sense at all, but it is completely accurate. His hair is flipped up in front like usual and he's wearing a checkered hoddie, ironically enough. I laugh internally because he really does look like his Minecraft skin right now. I wonder if it was on purpose. I smile nervously. "Hey!" He grins knowingly "Relax, Ali." I blush slightly "Is it really that obvious?" He shrugs "A bit." I smile a bit, and let him in, stepping back and shutting the door behind him. "Nice place." He remarks. Well, after 3 hours of cleaning, yes. "Not compared to what you're used to." I say. He shrugs again "I'm not going to college." I raise an eyebrow "True, true. Want some pizza?" It is a little weird that he didn't go to college. I always told myself I would date smart guys. But hey, he is smart. Just not necessarily college level. Not like Jordan, who wanted to be a chemical engineer or something like that. But I shake it off and gesture at the table, where the 3 boxes sit. He laughs a bit "What?" I ask. He shakes his head "Just laughing at our remarkable similarity in food preparation skills. Meaning none." I nod, laughing. "Hope that's not too much." He scoffs "Never enough!" I smile widely at this classic Benja line. I sit down across from him at the small table that we ended up getting after Em spilled Coke on the couch. We still don't really use it though, so this is a rare occasion. "You know, we never really got to know each other." He says, raising an eyebrow. Well, I already know an unhealthy amount about him, but the same doesn't go the other way. I think. "My name is Ali Jones. I am 18, and my favorite color is blue." I say like a kindergartener introducing themselves. He laughs his in his huge, familiar way. I've probably heard that laugh more than my own. "I'm serious! Where did you grow up? What high school did you go to? Heck, I don't even know what you're studying now!" I wave a hand, laughing "Ok, well, I've lived in Seattle since I was 2, and in Illinois before that. I've had a 4.0 GPA since I was 11. I went to West Central High School, home of the Bears. I'm a pretty huge nerd, and I have approximately 2 friends total. I'm majoring in Pre-Vet and Biology." I say, with a small bow at the end. He nods, grinning "Only 2?" I smile sadly "Yeah, I wasn't really kidding when I said I was a loser." His face darkens a bit. "About that... I could not be sorrier. I know we talked about it, but I still don't feel like I've apologized enough. I was completely out of line and an idiot, and I hope you can forgive me." He spurts out all in one breath, and completely out of the blue. "That was a lot in one sentence." I say, after blinking a few times. He nods, and waits for an answer. "Yeah, to be honest with you, I was pretty hurt. But I over reacted, like I said before. So don't blame yourself. I have some... issues, I guess..." I pause. Not as much anymore. Thanks to Jordan. "But I'm getting better." I finish, sighing slightly. He smiles, touching my hand across the table "Good." It's funny how much more serious he is in real life sometimes. Then the door knob rattles and Emily comes in, back from shopping. I glance over, and go slightly red, pulling my hand back just a tad. Then she drops everything she was holding on the floor. I sigh, and face palm, as she stands there, open-mouthed at the sight of Mitch. I would have done the same thing, I guess. I take a breath and get up, going to pick up some of the stuff on the floor. "Close your mouth hon." I say softly and grab some of the bag off the ground, setting them on the counter. She blinks a few times, and without moving her gaze away from him says "Why is Mitch in our apartment?" He sits there, watching us and trying not to laugh. It is pretty funny. I pat her on the back a few times and literally push her to her room "I invited him." Her eyes remain locked on him, and then I finally shove her into her room. She winks at me as I shut the door. Then I get a mental picture of her hanging from the ceiling with a camera, and almost bust out laughing. But I grin inwardly and sit back down.

"So that was my roommate Emily. Sorry I'm not the only fan in the house." I say, grinning but slightly embarrassed. He grins widely "She seems nice. It seems like you're almost over that though." I laugh, shaking my head "Oh no not at all. I just learned how to hide it." He grins "I can live with that!" I hear muted fan girl squealing from Em's room. I look at it, thoroughly annoyed "Whelp, it's official. Every fan girl in the state will be here in about 20 minutes." I say peppily. He laughs, holding up his hands "Plz no!!" I grin widely, chuckling "Don't worry, I'll protect you." I say, winking. He wiggles his eyebrows "I hope so." I blush a bit at his suggestion. He chuckles again "What?" "You're just so innocent." I roll my eyes "Yeah yeah I'm aware." He glances at Emily's door once again "So who's your other friend?" I freeze for a moment. Oh no. I knew this was going to happen. But, it had to come out sometime. "Um... Jordan." I mumble "What?" he asks, unable to hear me. "Jordan Maron." I say a bit louder, looking at the ground. His eyes widen slightly. "Oh. I didn't realize you knew him." His voice is suddenly stiff. Perfect. "I didn't, until I moved here. He goes to school here too." I say. A variety of emotions flash on his face, pretty much unrecognizable. He clears his throat "Yeah..." You could cut the tension with a knife. "Look, I know about the whole thing between you two." I say. "Well, I hope he hasn't convinced you I'm a complete money hungry jerk yet." I shrug "Well..." I say slowly, teasing him, trying to lighten the mood a bit. He breaks a smile "Fine then." I grin "Kidding." The room is silent for a moment, and I can see that his eyebrows are still wrinkled in what could be a whole range of things. "Is there anything going on between you guys?" he says, almost worried. I raise an eyebrow "Well, I'm not even sure myself. Why?" He averts his eyes, turning red. It's pretty cute actually. "Uh...I don't know. I just thought we might..." he mumbles awkwardly, but I grin slightly. "Might what?" I say, pushing him further, because its funny. "Um, date?" he says, beet red by now. I try not to laugh, but my heart pounds a bit. This is where I make my decision, at least for the time being. "Well, you thought right." I say, smiling. I don't know what the consequences might be. But I don't really care. I want to be around him, because he makes me laugh. He makes my heart flutter like this. So why not give it a try? He looks at me for a moment "Then I'm not sure how I feel about you being around him." I narrow my eyes slightly "What do you mean?" He sighs "I just don't want him stealing you, ok?" I blink, a bit surprised. But it's a pretty valid worry. "I... I really don't know right now. We kissed once, but I..." he looks a bit shocked. "We haven't talked about it since." I say quickly. He closes his eyes for a moment "Maybe you should clear that up. I don't want to be the one stealing you." My chest grows warm for a moment, but then I sigh, burying my face in my hands. Why, of all two people in the world, did I have to like the two famous Youtubers who hate each other an insane amount and both like me? "I'll tell him it's not happening. But he's my friend, and I'm not going to stop being around him." I say, settling for my best option. I'll still get to support Jordan, but be around Mitch, who is feeling more and more like a magnet by the second. I can't refuse him, not with those brown eyes. And when I'm with him, I can't choose anyone over him. He nods, smiling slightly "You mean a lot to me already. So I can only imagine how much of an affect you've had on him. It wouldn't be fair to just take you away that quick. I've only known you for a little while, but you've taught me more about who I am than anyone I've ever met. My heart flutters again, and I can't help but smile. Maybe this can work.

A/N: Sing it with me! Ali, ali is an idiot! A stupid friggin idiot! Lol anyways guys, if you enjoyed, slap dat vote button and drop a comment!


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