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The moment it takes the eyes to blink

Is also the same moment it takes it to stink

The moment it takes hearts to sync

Is also the same moment it takes it to sink

Time, labelled the true enemy of love

The reason people are scared

To jump into the deep blue

The reason people won't admit

That their feelings are true

It's why thousands close their mouth

When they want to:

Say, "I love you"

Say, "I miss you"

Say, "I want you"

Say, "I need you"

Say, "I adore you"

Say, "Can't do without you"

Say, "I've always loved you"

Say, "I admire you so"

For time could abridge the smile

Bring in excess why's

Cause a rift

Cause a drift

Time is like a thief

It could steal the gift

Of true love in a second

And It's all gone

Time prepares that horrible day

When the other walks away

Time does even worse

By adding a curse —

Memories you'll never forget

That serenade under the moonlight

That first dance together

That seemed to have lasted forever

Time, labelled the enemy of love

For it could decide to take the other away

By nature

Or puncture

Time, the reason

She's glued to

Her computer

Her bed

Her room

Her pen

Her imaginary friend

Her thoughts...

Time, the reason she's locked indoors....

Time, labelled the enemy

She won't allow to win

So, she'll study hard

Read books without tolerance for love

As time is her excuse

For not wanting to try again

Time, she made her enemy

And I know why

It's because of me, time

It's because I took him away from her....

But it wasn't my fault, I didn't plan for any of it

My only job is to move, isn't it?

               AUTHOR'S NOTE

Heyo lovers of poetry, hope you guys are doing great?

I just wanted to try something else.

Did you enjoy reading this poem?

If you did, please don't forget to mention.

Do take care.




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