Original: Chapter 29 - Hangover

Start from the beginning

"Go around to every exit and lock it, these kids will not be leaving here until they have this place spotless" Noah grinned with an evil smirk of a child. His grin made me weak at the knees but I did as I was asked and headed to the front door to lock it first, then continued to lock doors and windows. There will be no escapes! I thought to myself laughing maniacally.  

I made my way back to Noah, he was standing in the centre of the living room holding the horn in the air. He was going to enjoy this. 

"Have you locked all doors so no one can get out?" He asked and I nodded telling him I also locked the windows which were big enough for a grown adult to fit through. "You might want to cover your ears." 

I immediately put my fingers in my ears and Noah squeezed the button on the horn as if by magic, every teenager in the whole house seemed to jolt awake and cover their ears with their hands. 

I burst into fits of laughter, gripping Noah's upper arms to keep me upright. He looked down at me with a small smile and then coughed as if to cover it up. "Who's stupid now?" He grinned

People everywhere began to run around in panic as if they were going to get arrested until Noah sounded the horn again and everyone froze. 

"Listen here, you will all participate in clearing this mess. I will not let anyone of you leave until the house is spotless! Got it?" Noah shouted and kids ran to the doors as if their lives depended on it. I chuckled to myself knowing the wouldn't be getting out, eventually, they realised this too and began to clear the cups after a few curses and groans. 

"See that wasn't so hard," Noah said to me and then gestured for me to follow him upstairs. I cautiously did not knowing where we were going. Noah led me into a room and then closed the door once we were both in and locked it. 

"Is this your room?" I asked and he nodded "Why are we in here, Noah?" 

"This was the only room I knew was clear of teenagers and mess, I thought we could talk." He said taking a seat on the couch in the corner of his room, sitting with his ankle resting on his knee.

"Talk about what, Noah you don't want anything to do with me so why would I want to talk?" I said calmly, inside I was frustrated and angry but I didn't show it. 

"How many times do I have to tell you, Sophia, I care for you deeply. Of course, I want you in my life, but I just can't" Noah rubbed his temples as if I am frustrating him. He should be frustrated and know how he makes me feel when he doesn't tell me why I won't be able to have communication with my friends.

"Why can't I be in your life Noah, tell me please," I said taking steps towards time and crouching down to look into his eyes. I took his face in my hands and tilted his head so he was looking at me.

Noah sighed then whispered "...Sophia, I'm back with Brooke. That is why you can't be in my life, as much as I care for you she thinks something intimate is going on between us." 

"There is...there was something intimate going on between us, all those passionate kisses we shared, wasn't that what you wanted?" I asked him still crouched down in front of the man I love waiting for him to tell me if those kisses we shared meant anything to him at all, or if it was just a distraction from the fact that his fiance cheated on him.

"No, I didn't want any of that. Sophia, I only wanted you, I wanted to be around you to listen to your problems, to hear you laugh, see you smile and hear how your day had been. But the intimate moments we shared were definitely a bonus, it made me feel closer to you in a way I have never felt in my relationship with Brooke. " He said, we were both now standing face to face.

I was speechless, how can I reply to a sweet sentiment like that. With a ditto? Is this my chance to tell him how I feel? Tell him that I love him? With what he has just said sounds like love, but is it more of a friendship or a lie?

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