Chapter 12- "Strikes"

Start from the beginning

I cleared my throat. "Well, good morning to you too."

No response. Only a little smile from Lucas, while looking at his plate, like he didn't want it to be seen.

Really, sarcasm? That's all you could think of? Way to go, Anna.

I supposed it was time for an attempt number two.

"So Nico, what time is the next train leaving?" He looked at me, finally looking something else besides his plate.

"The receptionist said there is a train in an hour. I think it is the best option, not many people use the morning train so less people, less trouble".

I nodded my head in agreement.

He looked weird. Not in a bad way. He just looked different than usual. I couldn't play clueless anymore.

I got my serious face on and stood up. "Okay, someone please explain to me what is going on because clearly something happened."

He laughed sarcastically. "Nothing. I'm just not font of the little sunshine right here and his little girlfriend."

Destiny now stepped in. She looked at him angrily with narrowed eyes "what is that supposed to mean? Firstly, I'm not his girlfriend and if I was it's non of your business and as a matter of fact I don't care if you're fond of me or not."

"Oh yeah? Because last night didn't seem like it."

Oh shit, I think that was it.

Destiny at first seemed to be shocked, but then she was expressionless she said calmly, while looking straight into his eyes "Don't you dare talk to me ever again."

She then stood up and left followed by Nathan.

"What is wrong with you?" Were the words that came out from the last person I would expect. Lucas was now looking at Nico not that angrily, more like concerned.

Nico didn't say anything. He just exhaled heavily and looked down.

He then stood up "Pack your things, we're leaving in 10 minutes", and with that, he left.

Lucas looked at me like he didn't know what to do or say and me neither. I usually was that person who always had something to say but I was speechless. We were never close friends with Nico but still I never thought he would do something like that and so did Lucas.

I finally murmured "You should go, pack your things, see if he's okay".

He nodded and followed the path that Nico previously did.

"Soo...what now?"

"Oh Tyler! Uhm..." I almost forgot Tyler was sitting next to me "like I said, we are packing our things ,we are leaving in 5"

"Are we even going to talk about this?" He asked me, his eyebrow raised.

"Honestly, Tyler I think we should leave destiny alone for a bit."

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