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Taka and Prince gazed at each other, the sun started to rise, casting a beautiful glow on the trees. They heard Hurricane awakening from his den, so they both galloped into the thick of the forest. 

"That was a close one." Taka laughed as they both slowed down to a trot.  Prince nodded his head in agreement. They came to stop, when they knew they were far away from Hurricane. "What are we going to do about Stacie?" Taka asked Prince. "Want to try and meet her?" Prince asked, walking towards BloodHerd's territory. "Not really, but maybe if she likes us, we can come to an agreement." Taka suggested, following Prince. 

They came across the borders and there was a border patrol out.  "Prince you've come back for us!" A thin black mare called as she cantered up and tried to nuzzle Prince. "Not exactly." Prince nickered sadly to the thin mare. Her eyes were full of sorrow. Taka felt uncomfortable with someone flirting with her stallion....

"Why did you come here?" A deeper voice said behind the mare, the voice's owner was standing in the shadows. "We wan-wanted to-oo ma-make an agreement with on-one of your ho-horses." Prince stuttered fearfully, as he took a step back.  "With who?" The voice boomed, still stern. "Stacie." Taka answered proudly. "You're in luck." The voice softened down and out came... Stacie. 

"Stacie?" Prince muttered to himself.  "What agreement have you came to speak?" Stacie's choice of words confused Taka a little.  "Why do you want-" Stacie rudely cut Taka off. "Patrol. Leave us." Stacie demanded  and the patrol did what they were told. "As I was saying, why do you want to fight me?" Taka asked, but Stacie was being very rude, she didn't even look at Taka.  "Revenge of course." Stacie stated, she looked up at Taka. Stacie's forest green eyes pierced Taka's insides. 

"For what?!" Taka screamed, starting to get angry. "Killing my mother!" Stacie screamed back.  "I didn't kill her!" Taka whinnied leaping up into a rear. "You'll regret this!" Stacie threatened, also jumping into a rear. 

They fought it out, until Taka tripped and fell. Stacie stood over her. Prince was standing to the side, not getting in the way. Stacie moved Taka's face with her hoof, eyeing Taka. "Your quite delicate." Stacie nickered honestly. Taka didn't know how to answer, she just laid there, looking helpless.  "When the real battle comes, don't be afraid to die." Stacie growled and Taka squinted. 

"I'm not afraid of death." Taka muttered calmly, steadying her breathing.  Stacie sighed and swayed off into BloodHerd, "I'll see you on the battlefield darling." She snickered and Taka rolled her eyes. 

Taka used her strength to lift herself up. Prince took a step closer towards Taka. "I'm sorry hon-" Taka interrupted Prince. "Don't be. It's not worth it." Taka growled and limped away. Prince followed her, they both stayed silent. 

"I need to talk to someone. See you later." Taka nickered to Prince as she separated. "Ok, be careful." Prince assured but Taka just limped away. She remembered how she got to Whisper and followed the same path she did last time.

Taka found the pond and called for Whisper.  "Whisper I need your help." Taka called and Whisper answered.  "What is it my dear?" Whisper jogged towards Taka through the pond. "I have to fight, but I don't know how. What would you do?" Taka asked, looking at her blood covered hooves. "I would fly away." Whisper came off the land and circled Taka, also studying her. "I can't fly, I have no wings!" Taka nickered, being obvious. "You don't need wings to fly" Whisper echoed and disappeared. "That didn't help me." Taka sighed. 

"No wings to fly.. huh." Taka thought deeply. "Wings! Eagle!" Taka whinnied excitedly and raced off to find her friend, Eagle. 

Picture 1: Wing quote

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Picture 1: Wing quote

Picture 2: Taka's mighty rear

Author's Note: 

Sorry this chapter is short, hopefully the action is rising and it's getting suspenseful. Sorry i changed my username i don't like Kylo Ren as much anymore so I changed it to my favorite character, Boba Fett! You can still call me Kylo or Fett. IDC.  

Question Of The Day:

Which Herd would you live in? StreamHerd, ShadowHerd, DustHerd, BloodHerd, StarHerd, or That Shattered Forest? 

I choose DustHerd because of the nice terrain and pretty trees. 

Keep Reading! ~~Fett

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