Bad Blood

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The Next Morning: 

Taka awoke, hearing talking on the outside of the den. Two strong stallions came to the den and put on ropes around Taka.  Taka didn't put up a fight, she didn't need to, because she had a plan. 

"We will be leaving now." Foam reported to Picasso. Picasso felt bad, he had lost his best friend yesterday. "No. Let her go home." Picasso ordered and the stallions took off the ropes. "Excuse me sir, but what!?" Foam asked confused.  Taka was also confused. "I said let her go." Picasso repeated himself, Taka was observing Picasso. Picasso had his head down and his eyes were dull. 

"Picasso?" Taka asked. "Yeah." Picasso had the simplest answers but they were something. "Thank you." Taka replied with a meaningful glance.Picasso lifted his head up, his eyes glittered in the rising sun. "It's the right thing to do." Picasso nickered. 

"May StarHerd thank you. You don't know how much this means to me, I really thank you,Picasso." Taka whinnied. "Tell Hurricane for me." Picasso wrapped his head around Taka. "I will." Taka swept away, galloping at full speeds, she jumped the stream and head home. 

Prince was still out there from last night, until he heard hoof steps coming from StreamHerd. His ears pricked and his body was starting to shape taller in alert. Prince then realized it was Taka! Prince whinnied happily and he heard Taka nicker back.  Taka galloped up to him, they hugged. "I missed you so much." Prince told the truth. "Me too. I have to tell Hurricane something." Taka said quickly trotting into camp. 

"Taka!" Hurricane nickered unbelievably. "Hurricane, I missed you, but I must hurry and tell you something." Taka's breath was quickening. "Yes what is it?" Hurricane sounded alerted. "Picasso let me go, he wants your friendship, again." Taka neighed. Hurricane's face brightened. "I must thank him." Hurricane nickered and darted off. Prince and Taka laughed, until Buck came out with cuts and scars. "Oh no, what happened?" Taka asked and trotted towards Buck. "Him. The monster you call loved one." Buck whinnied angerly. 

"No, that's not true, please Taka hear me out-" Taka cut Prince off. "Why in the name of StarHerd would you do this?" Taka yelled. "Because he's weak minded." Buck grunted. Prince became bitter. "I am not weak minded you-" Taka cut Prince off for a second time.  "Stop arguing like foals!" Taka screeched. 

"Brother." Buck muttered under his breath. "What happened to you?" 

Prince was heart sick, why did he keep doing this?

Taka saw how broken Prince was and went up and hugged him, but Prince pulled away. He was staring off into space but happened to be knowing what was going on. "Stay away from me!" Prince warned. "Prince calm down." Taka soothed.  Prince suddenly starting breathing heavier, that's when Hurricane returned. "What's going on?" Taka didn't want to answer. "Prince come back, I love you." Taka said quietly. 

Prince ran off and Taka galloped after. "Wait! Wait! Where are you going?" Taka yelled catching up with Prince.  They soon stopped. "I'm sorry Taka, I have this weird sensation to..." Prince paused and stared deep into Taka's eyes. "To kill." Taka gasped and Prince turned his back towards Taka. "I hate my brother. I hate my life, maybe turning evil won't be so bad." Prince felt ashamed, but had hate for Buck.  "Don't say that." Taka nickered soothingly. "You love Buck don't you!" Prince yelled furiously. "No Prince." Taka answered sternly.  "I love you."

"Lier!" Prince yelled, I bet every herd could hear. Taka heard a voice inside her head, get yourself out of there, NOW!  Taka listened to the voice and galloped back to ShadowHerd.  

"What happened to Prince?" Hurricane asked worriedly. "He was acting strange and yelling a lot, so I ran away." Taka explained everything. 

"So you mean Bucks' in danger?" Hurricane asked his voice shaking. 

"I'm sorry I have to do this but I have no choice but to exile Prince." Hurricane said staring down at his hooves. "No but you can't." Taka nickered in protest. "Taka, sweetie, he has become a big threat to us, I have no other choice." The rest of the herd agreed. 

"I understand let him stay for tonight, I beg you." Taka pleaded and Hurricane accepted. 

Taka went to find Prince, tears rolling down her cheeks. She spotted him, talking to a dark colored mare. Taka walked up to them and when she did the mare walked away. 

"Prince?" Taka asked and Prince shot around to face her. "Taka, so glad to see you." Prince nickered nicely.  "Are you feeling better?" Taka asked being cautious. "Yes! I feel wonderful! I was just talking to Mal and she doesn't want to lead her herd anymore so I get to take over!" Prince's voice was full of excitement. "What herd?" Taka asked, her soul started to burn and crumple up. "BloodHerd." Prince answered joyfully. 

"No." Taka said quietly. "Prince what's happened to you? What's happened with us?" Taka asked she started to feel hot, ready to cry. "Nothing." Prince nickered. "Obliviously something! You don't switch herds like that. Prince, come home." Taka said her voice filling with fear.  "Taka calm down you can be lead mare and we'll rule the forest together." Prince whinnied soothingly. 

Taka started to back up her head shaking slowly, saying no. "Taka." Prince nickered sternly. "Prince you're breaking my heart! You're going down a path I can't follow!" Taka eyes filled up with tears and her voice was shaky. "Be it then!" Prince's voice turned angry. "Buck turned against me, don't you turn against me!" Prince yelled but Taka kept backing up. "No." Taka nickered sternly. 

Prince raced back to ShadowHerd's grounds, Taka followed, her heart starting to ache. 

Prince's eyes turned blood red, as he found Buck and fought him. Every horse watched, not doing anything. Taka pushed her way up front. Hurricane and Midnight were watching their eyes full of worry. Prince became super strong and pushed Buck onto the ground. "You shouldn't have underestimated me, brother." Prince yelled. "Prince noo!" Taka yelled from the crowd, but it was too late. Prince raised his sharpened hoof and dug it right into Buck's neck, Buck choked. 

"Prince, I always loved you." Those were Buck's last words. Prince's eyes turned back to their soft amber and his face was horrified. "What have I done?" Prince looked around, every horse feared him, even Taka's eyes were full of fear. "Get out! You're a big disgrace!" Hurricane reared and yelled at Prince. Prince ran. 

Taka looked at him as he left. Prince's soul was now forever lost. Nothing could bring him back. 

Picture 1: a devil horse

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Picture 1: a devil horse

Picture 2: I found a love quote that represents Taka and Prince's relationship. 

Author's Note: 

I am so sorry, this is a really sad chapter. I am sorry for killing off Buck, but it shows Prince's change to the dark. Will Taka be able to save Prince? 


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