Becoming Beastly

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Kion started his speech. "Our herd is doing fine, grass is growing freshly, and recently I have put on a bounty hunt for my foal, Taka. StreamHerd wins and will be claiming their land soon." Kion whinnied to the whole gathering. Prince was inflamed,"You jerk!" Prince yelled at Kion, all the horses looked at Prince. Kion's brown eyes glittered in victory.  "Give Taka back now or you'll be messing with the wrong herd!" Prince threatened, the horses gasped. Kion laughed, showing no fear towards the yearling. 

"You little yearling think you can destroy DustHerd for your mare!" Kion teased. DustHerd started calling out, "Weakling! Weakling!" Kion kept laughing. "Silence!" Hurricane ordered.  Kion continued, "What's your name, young lad?" 

"The name's Prince." Prince responded, glaring at Kion.  "Prince." Kion muttered. "You're a Prince, not a king. You could never be leader over your father." Kion chuckled. Hurricane was horrified, but Kion was more dominant. Mal was droopy, she was tried and didn't want to fight.  

"At least I don't name someone after trash!" Prince yelled back,  whinnying a battle cry and rearing up.  The other herds gasped, then laughed at Kion. Kion was inflamed and his heart burst  with pain. "Curse StarHerd for making Prince ever born!" Kion yelled and this time Hurricane was unhappy. "You stupid head of a horse, go and make mama proud by shutting your muzzle!" Hurricane yelled and the horses gasped.  "I'm finished here!" Kion yelled and galloped off, his herd following. "Good." Hurricane nickered and everyone else was silent. 

Picasso was aghast. "You better leave too, before it gets ugly." Hurricane threatened. No one said a word. You could hear the crickets cheeping. 

"I thought we were friends." Hurricane added and glared at Picasso. "I'm sorry, my herd needs more grazing grounds." Picasso sneered.  "Well then. Seems as though you would break years of friendship just for some spotlight. Goodnight Picasso." Hurricane said, swishing his tail angerly. Hurricane went back home with his herd. 

"Father, I'm sorry about what happened tonight. It was all my fault." Prince said quietly as all the others were sleeping. "It's fine, Kion shouldn't have been saying nasty things like that to you." Hurricane said soothingly.  "Goodnight father." Prince nickered and left the den. 

Prince went out into the grazing fields looking at the stars. Oh how I do wish Taka was with me right now.That stupid Kion ruined everything, I am so attached to Taka. Prince thought.  Prince then heard hoof steps behind him. It was Buck. 

"What do you want?" Prince asked, feeling a little angry.  "You could be nicer." Buck added. "Like anyone would be nice to you." Prince said, glaring. "Whatever, I am here to make friends because when I'm leader, we can't argue." This made Prince aroused. "I will be leader first!" Prince yelled back, causing him to rear.  Buck reared too and started to fight. They were shedding blood and rolling on the ground.  Soon, when they were worn out, a tear rolled down Buck's face. "I am ashamed to call you my brother!"Buck scoffed and walked back to camp. 

Prince stood there alone, feeling heart broken. What have I done? Prince placed his head between his knees and started crying. Prince had this sensation, one like no other. Prince felt outraged and baneful at the same time. 

I have to do one thing.....kill my brother.

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Picture 1 (one at the top): A picture of Picasso

Picture 2 (One at the bottom of the page): A picture of Buck mad at Prince. 

Author's Note:

This chapter was quiet intense! Sorry they are so short, I just want to make it suspenseful. 


What's going to happen to Prince? Will Taka be able to save him? Is that her journey? 

Post your answer in comments below! 

~~Kylo  <3 

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