Making Up

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Natalie woke me up early the next morning. I think it was like 1am. She was crying hard. I was worried she would wake the other Gladers so I quickly got up and was going to go to her crib when I saw that Newt was holding her trying desperately to calm her down. Though I was mad at him, I was glad he was helping. He saw me stand and turned and smiled sorrily.

"I was hoping she would go back to sleep so that you wouldn't wake, but I think she's hungry," Newt said over Natalie's cries. 

I went up and took her in my arms. Newt never took his eyes off me the whole time. I sat down in the bed and prepped myself to feed her. Newt had been right: she was hungry. Newt came and sat by me on the bed but was now looking down into his hands. Whether it was because he was trying to be respectful or because things were delicate between us I couldn't tell. I looked down at my daughter so as to avoid Newt's sad face. I hated seeing him sad. It made me sad.

Natalie finished eating and Newt took her to burp her. I looked around the room and saw a big box of diapers sitting by the ladder. That must have been the box that Newt had dropped off last night. The Creators probably sent it. Finally something they did that was decent. I was starting to have second thoughts about raising Natalie in the Glade. Obviously I wouldn't get rid of her, I loved her far too much, but I was worried. With the Grievers and the Maze, it wasn't very safe. At least Natalie would have a childhood. That's something nobody else here has, or the memory of it anyways.

Newt finished burping her and she yawned. He started to put her down but stopped. Then he sniffed her and made a face. I couldn't help but laugh at Newt's disgusted face.

"Natalie Freya," he said turning away. "You need a diaper change."

I kept chuckling as I went to the diaper box and got a diaper. I brought it over to Newt and we both changed her. We didn't say anything to each other but the tension felt lighter. I hated that there was even tension at all. I was going to tell him when he spoke up.

"I'm sorry, love, for yesterday," he said quietly. "I was just panicked because that other girl came up and she was unconscious and she had a note and I was worried and then seeing you and Natalie brought my worries to the surface and I wanted you guys to be safe."

I sighed and finally looked and Newt and found him staring back into my eyes. His eyes had their sadness in them again. It broke my heart, especially since I knew why he had that look on them all the time. I didn't know what to say so I just kissed him. He kissed me back. It was sweet and soft like our wedding day. I broke the kiss and put my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry, too," I whispered. He kissed my forehead and we stood there for a while. My arms were curled on my own chest as I could hear his heart beat. He had wrapped his arms around me so his hands lay perfectly on my butt. When the moment felt right I moved off his chest and kissed him once more, and then we went to sleep.


Hey guys!! Thanks for reading the story. I am ending it here because Teresa is now here and they all must leave the Glade and stuff and I don't want to get close to Death Cure for obvious reasons. I hope you guys enjoyed and comment on ideas for other Newt stories because trust me when I say I have a lot of ideas of my own. Thanks guys!!<3<3<3

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