Being Broken

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Note: Back to your point of view


I woke up and got ready for the day. It was going to be a hard and long day. I was going to help the Builders try and make treehouses so that the Keepers could have a house of their own. This meant that we needed quite a lot of houses but we thought that if worse came to worse, we could have some Keepers bunk together.

I walked over to Frypan for some breakfast. I smelled eggs and bacon.

"Hey, Fry," I said reaching for my food. "Use the salt and pepper trick I showed you?"

"You know it, y/n," Frypan responded winking back.

I went and sat down by Newt and Chuck. Newt smiled brightly and I could feel my chest tug but Chuck got that same embarrassed look whenever Newt and I were together. Things were a little delicate between me and Newt. We talked the day after we kissed and came to an agreement to just stay friends for the other Glader's sakes. 

As we were eating, Minho came up to us to talk to me.

"Hey, y/n," he greeted me. "Are you coming out in the Maze today or tomorrow?"

"Oh shuck," I said. "I forgot I had to go into the Maze again this week. Well today I can't for sure. The Builders are expecting me to help them make treehouses for the Keepers, including you Minho, even if you are the shuckiest shucked shuckface Glader," I teased smiling at him.

"Pssh. Whatever slinthead. Everyone here knows and agrees that it was you that got voted upon for that position," He retorted. 

"Ah, well," I said grinning. "Alright so let's plan on tomorrow. Who will I be covering for?"

"Ben," he said rather seriously. "He hasn't had a good break in forever."

"Good that," I said and Minho left.

Newt and I talked for awhile about the Gardens and about what we needed to request for them. As Glade Mother (though to myself I still thought that was Newt's role and I think everybody else did to) I had to take care of our supplies which meant I would put notes in the box when we needed stuff.

I finished breakfast and walked over to the woods.I saw Gally there and greeted him with a hug. The other Builders just said hi to me.

"Alright," I said trying to put authority in my voice, "Let's get started."

We spent the day finding trees that we could use for houses. We didn't go too far because we really did want to start building. We got ten trees marked for houses and laid down floors for three of them. We would weave the branches together up in the tree so that we could wrap our floor to tree branches to help keep it firm.

At the end of the long day the other Builders headed off to dinner but I stayed behind to finish weaving the last floorboard. I thought everyone was gone until I heard Will.

"Do you need help up there, y/n," he asked sounding almost hopeful. Whether it was hope I'd say yes or no was unknown to me. I decided that two people would make it go by quicker so I told him yes.

He seemed alright with it and started climbing up to me. We made little ladders on the tree trunks up to the house so that the Keepers could come up here easily without trying to go from branch to branch and such.

We quickly finished off the floor and I made to leave when Will stopped me. Will came to the Glade about three months before me and I knew he had a hard time adjusting.

"Y/N, could you stay for a moment?" he asked sounding a little desperate.

Who was I to say no? He looked like he really wanted to talk.

"Ya, of course Will," I said trying to sound like a good friend. "what do you need?"

"Listen, I know you have only been here for about three weeks and we're going to be getting another Glader next week and such but you have already done so much here. You have the same amount of power as Newt who has been here since the beginning. It just really amazes me to see how much you've done. And despite your short time being here, I want you to know something."

He seemed embarrassed to tell me. I felt so sad. I wanted to know so that I could help him. It was also starting to get late. I knew the  Runners would be back soon.

I opened my mouth to tell him that he could tell me anything when completely out of the blue he kissed me. It wasn't soft like Newt's either, it was forceful. It shoved me down to the tree house floor where I was then forced to lay on my back as he pinned me down. As he finally stopped that hard, forceful kiss I screamed. Loudly. 

What was he doing? I was scared and my wrists hurt. I should've known better than to trust Will. The moment I came here he claimed me like property. He covered my mouth quickly but my voice rang the the Glade.

 I was going to look to see if the other Gladers were coming when all of sudden, I felt Will trying to pull off my shirt. I kicked and sprawled my legs in attempt to throw him off but it did nothing. When he finally took off the shirt I realized my hands were free. I quickly punched him in the face. I felt a burst of energy when I though I would escape, but it did absolutely nothing.

Fear plummeted in my stomach. I felt vulnerable. No shirt and pinned to the ground. I started to scream again but it was cut off by him kissing me as hard as ever. I started crying. What was going to happen to me. I closed my eyes and turned my head away from his kiss to which he responded by kissing my neck. He then started to pull off my pants. I tried kicking my legs again but it did nothing. Tears pored down my face as he went to take off my bra when suddenly the pressure that was on me was gone.

I opened my eyes again and saw an incredibly worried Newt looking down on me.

"Y/N what happened?" He asked, his voice somehow managing to be more worried than his face. "What did he do to you, love?"

I was so embarrassed to be less than half dressed. I was going to try and get dressed when I passed out to the sound of Minho, Newt, and Gally screaming at Will in unbelievable anger. 

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