It's Out

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Yay!! I got that free time thing my friends talk about!! Sorry about taking so long to update:( but its here now so I hope you enjoy!! :)))


"Y/N!" Alby called coming toward our house as Newt and I crawled down the ladder. "And Newt. Good. I got both of you. Climb back into your house. We need to have our own little Gathering."

Newt and I looked at each other. I only found out last night I was pregnant. There was no way Alby knew already. Newt let me go up first then followed after me, and finally I saw Alby's head pop up as he climbed into our house. It was a good thing we didn't own much or the room might have actually been messy.

Newt and I took the bed and Alby pulled up a chair from the table.

"Listen. I heard your conversation last night," Alby said rather casually. I was pissed. How dare he eavesdrop on our conversation and then act like its a normal thing. Newt was opposite however. HE broke into a smile.

"Oh so you know the wonderful news!" he exclaimed excitedly. "I myself am thrilled."

"Newt. I have a very serious question for Y/N," Alby said now rather annoyed and sternly.

"What?" I snapped. "First you eavesdrop on our conversations now you're going to ask a very private question I am sure. So get this shucking over with and ask Alby."

It was a good thing I am Glade Mother or Alby might have lost it for how i just spoke to him. It was also a good thing he probably agreed with me because he nodded.

"You're right, y/n. I am sorry. But it has to be asked. Are you sure this is Newt's child?" Alby asked dead serious.

Newt and I stood up. 

"WHAT?" Newt practically screamed. "What the shuck are you talking about? Is there something you aren't telling me Alby before you go accusing my wife of sleeping around?"

"No, no, not like that Newt. I am talking about Will," he said now standing too.

I fell down on the bed. I felt my chest tighten and fear rise in my heart. I hated hearing that name. I still got nightmares. I would see his face and wake up screaming. Newt always cuddled me back to sleep. Sometimes he would sing You Are My Sunshine in his soft sweet voice.

Newt sat by me on the bed and put one arm around my shoulders and his other around my stomach where the baby was.

"No Alby. This is MY baby." Newt spat out.

"He's right," I said my voice shaking. "Will never got that far. Thank goodness." 

"Ok," Alby said heading toward the door. "I was just making sure."

Newt and I spent the rest of the morning in the house just holding on to each other. Around 10am we left and set to work. I didn't want to see a whole lot of people so I just went to the forest. I just wanted a day of rest. I sat there and thought about everything when I realized how hungry I was. I looked up and saw the trees shadows and determined that it was a little past noon. I knew that the new Greenie was here by now because Newt and I heard the alarm while we were cuddling. I thought I could meet them while at lunch. I got there and saw everyone looking at me. shuck I thought they must know about the baby I smiled at them till Gally ran up looking pissed.

"Is it true," he demanded not bothering to keep his voice quiet. "Are you pregnant?"

"Gally is now really the best time?" I asked between gritted teeth.

"Answer the shucking question!" he yelled.

"Yes. Okay? Yes I am pregnant with Newt's child. Happy?" I spat out.

The other boys looked happy. Some started to stand to congratulate me when Gally shouted, "I'm going to kill him!" and stormed off to the Gardens.

"What?" I screamed. I sprinted after him but Thomas beat me there tackling Gally to the ground. They had never gotten along.

Alby showed up moments later. 

"What the shuck is going on?" Alby yelled. Newt came up and found Thomas wrestling Gally and me crying. He came and put his arms around me as one of the Gladers explained what happened.

"Gally, a week in the Slammer. Two will be spent with no food though not in a row. Starting tomorrow." Alby spat at him pissed.

Thomas got off with no punishment since he was doing it to protect Newt. They had always gotten along.

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