Mother of The Glade

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NOTE: Back to your point of view



I finally finished all of the jobs over the past two weeks. I worked with Trackhoes, Builders, Slicers, Medjacks, etc. I even helped Frypan in the kitchen. He is normally picky about that stuff but he was fine with me being there. 

The best part of the jobs was that they were really easy. I seemed to do really well in all of the jobs. My day as a builder, I found a way to make the structures more secure by weaving through branches to make a firm wall, rather than just bound them together. 

As a Trackhoe, I found a way to plant quickly. Rather than each individual person plant at a time, I told them to make one person make the spots for the seeds while a person put the seeds in following along beside them. We planted two times more than normal that day. 

As a Medjack, I found a way to use less wrapping when binding a wound. Instead of just wrapping it around a million times, we used some water to wipe away the blood, and then wrapped it. I just seemed to have ideas for every job. It was almost weird because I had no memory of where I would have learned this stuff.

What I wanted to do most was run though. Apparently, being a Runner is harder than just running in a Maze. You have to memorize your path and watch out for Grievers and such, but I still wanted to do it. 

There was going to be a Gathering towards the end of the day to decide where I was to go. Basically the Keepers would report my performance to Alby and Newt and then they would decide where I go. Unfortunately, I am not allowed in the meeting so as to keep it confidential. 

Since I had the day off, I decided to spend it in the kitchens. Frypan was one of my close friends. I became really close will Frypan, Chuck, Newt, Minho, Alby, and even Gally. I just thought of Gally as misunderstood, and he answered my questions and was really kind to me. Alby, though intimidating, was actually a sweet guy. He was very responsible and had a lot on his shoulders. Even though Minho and I got off on the wrong start, we got along really well. I was the only person in the Glade that was a sassy as he was according to Newt. We had a lot of fun together. Chuck was great. He was very sensitive and quiet. I felt so bad for him, but he seemed to do okay. Frypan was really fun to cook with. We would have flipping contests when making pancakes or burgers and I really knew how to flavor food which Frypan loved. And Newt was just amazing. He always stood out in my mind. He was so kind and caring and really helped others out in the Glade, but I could swear that his eyes told a different story. His soft, brown eyes always seemed to be hiding a secret sadness inside him, and yet, I could get lost looking in his eyes.

As I walked to the kitchen I waved hi to the other boys. We all seemed to get along well. I was now performing at the bonfire every other day for the boys. I didn't feel outed at all as being the only girl. I got along pretty well. Some of the boys were really open with me, too. Some boys would come to me saying they needed someone to talk to and I guess I was that person. Maybe there is something about being a girl that always others to trust you.

I reached the kitchens and Frypan grinned at me.

"Hey, y/n. Spending the day here?" he asked

"Ya, I felt like cooking. What are we doing for lunch?" I inquired smiling back.

"I was going to stick with sandwiches, but since you're here, let's make it more interesting. How do burgers sound? Do a little flipping competition again. I will beat you this time," he added with a look of excitement in his eyes.

"Oh we will see about that," I teased.

We started cooking the burgers. We had our flipping competition and I beat him by about three flips with one hand and no spatula. We seasoned the burgers with salt, pepper, and I even convinced him to use garlic and onion for flavor. 

After lunch, Frypan and I had a little break so we just spent our time talking and laughing. Until it was time to make dinner. We went classic and made some spaghetti. I made Frypan use the leftover hamburger meat as meatballs. Apparently they never had meat with their spaghetti, but everyone seemed to love it. 

Eventually, it was time for the Gathering. All the Keepers, plus Newt and Alby, went in to discuss my job. I waited outside the Homestead for what felt like hours. I wanted to listen in but I didn't want to get in trouble so I just waited and thought about what job I wanted.

I honestly had no idea what I wanted because I wanted to be a Runner but I couldn't do that. I thought that working in the kitchens wouldn't be so bad. Frypan and I worked well together. Being a Builder wouldn't suck. Gally and I were friends and he listened to my ideas. I definitely did not want to be a Slicer at all. I may be good and quick with a knife, but it was not a fun job. Medjacks seemed okay. It was nice helping people but I just didn't find a lot of joy in it. There were only to Medjacks and they'd been best friends for awhile so I didn't want to interfere with that. I thought being a Trackhoe would be alright. It would be nice spending my days with Newt. I would have fun there for sure. I really did not want to be a Bagger. It was such a sad job and it was so solemn I couldn't handle doing that for forever.

All of a sudden Newt popped his head out of the door and looked for me. I stood up to show him where I was and he looked at me and smiled.

"Come on in, love. We are doing something a little different," he told me. He had gotten into the habit of calling me "love" and I didn't mind one bit. No matter how many times he did it, I blushed every time.

I wondered why I had to go in because that didn't usually happen. I walked over to Newt and he smiled at me, almost proudly. I couldn't help the little butterflies in my stomach everyone timed he smiled at me.

When I walked in everyone's eyes were on me. They were all seated in a semicircle with Alby and Newt standing at the front. Everyone seemed really happy. I looked to Gally, Frypan, and Minho for a clue but Gally just gave me a thumbs up, Frypan winked, and Minho stuck out his tongue which I returned back.

"Welcome, y/n," Alby said drawing my attention back to him. "We have discussed your role here but you seem to be different from most Gladers. You seem to be incredibly smart at coming up with ways to be more productive in shorter time, and make things work more efficiently. Because of this, we want to give you a bit more responsibility, and all of the Keepers agreed. Y/N, we are going to make you a Mother of the Glade sort of role. You can look over everyone's jobs and help everyone with their tasks. We are also going to try you out as a Runner. If you do become a Runner, it will be part time. You would just fill in for Runners every now and then if they feel they want a break. You would have to run at least two times a week. Your Runner training would start tomorrow. Do you agree to these terms?"

"Wait," I said confused, "I thought that Newt was like the Mother of the Glade."

Everyone busted out laughing at that, but none harder than Minho. He was rolling on the ground in tears. Newt just chuckled to himself.

"No, love. I just help Alby out with running things. You would have a similar job though. I am second in charge and you would sort of be, too. Which would of course give you power and admittance in Gatherings and such," Newt said, never taking his gorgeous brown eyes off of me. But for some reason his face seemed sadder and darker than when I first came in.

I was a little shocked. I hadn't expected to get a chance to do my dream job. It also seemed nice that I could go around the Glade and help everyone. I was so happy. Things seemed to turn out for the better.

"I can't wait," I said beaming at all of them. Everyone cheered at this.

Minho, Alby, Gally, and Frypan all came up and gave me hug.

"Alright you shank," said Minho grinning, "Training starts tomorrow at six in the morning."

Newt- Love in a Lost Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن