Awake and After

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I woke with a start. My head throbbed and my whole body hurt. Then it came back to me. The treehouse. Talking. That forceful kiss. Will. 

Fear spread through me and tears reached my eyes. What happened to Will? I really hoped he was punished. I don't think I could go into the Glade with him there. I would build myself a treehouse and live there. Alone. Have Frypan bring me my food. Wouldn't be too bad. 

I wiped away at my eyes so that I could see where I was. I was in the Medjack wing. I saw Newt sleeping in a chair across from my bed. I couldn't help but feel a little safer with him there. I suddenly wondered how long I'd been out for. I became so scared I guess I just couldn't take it.

I didn't want to linger or relive what happened so I kept looking around the room. I saw Gally in the bed next to mine. He looked horrible. I felt a pang of worry as I wondered what happened but he was resting and I didn't to bug him.

I suddenly realized that Clint and Jeff weren't there so I figured it was night. I wanted to leave. I felt so worthless. So scared. So angry. I started to slide out of bed when I felt great aches. I finally decided to look down at my bandaged self which I had been trying to avoid. 

I had bruises smothering my body. My thighs, arms, stomach, chest.... I had many patches too. My wrists were bound like bracelets. I had patches in the same areas I had bruises. 

I pulled down my shirt when I suddenly remembered that I was almost naked when I was found. I worried about the boys seeing that much of me. I knew Newt saw me like that for sure and had an even more confirming thought to leave. I moved almost silently and made it to the door where I found a sleeping Chuck and Minho. 

I felt tears in my eyes once more. They had waited for me. I was ashamed that moments before I wanted to leave, though I couldn't admit what I wanted to do. Not to myself.

I decided to crawl back into bed. I turned to go back what I hear screaming from the room.


I waddled back to the room quick as I could and saw an incredibly worried Newt staring back at me. I tried to smile but the tears in my eyes finally poured out. I suddenly felt dizzy too and felt myself falling. 

Then I felt a pair of strong arms under me and heard a quiet sweet voice say, "It's okay, love. I'm here now. Nobody is going to hurt you. I swear it."

Newt put me down on the bed and let me cry in his shoulder. I couldn't take this pain. It hurt so much. But being in Newt's arms made me feel safe. I knew Newt would never hurt me. Never.

I drew away from him and wiped my eyes. It felt nice to let that out. I finally looked at Newt clearly and saw him have a face of such concern. Such love. I knew I loved him. I think I always did. I was going to something, and he looked like he wanted to say something too but Minho, Alby, and Chuck came in. 

I was surprised that Minho and Chuck slept through Newt's screaming but I also knew how heavy of sleepers they both were. Even Minho who woke up at five everyday. 

They looked at me with sadness in their faces. Chuck started crying and Minho, for once, was speechless. Alby looked mad but kept his leader face on as always.

"Stop standing there shanks and come give me a hug," I said dryly. 

Minho got there before Chuck and hugged me hard. It surprised me a bit but Newt looked a little more surprised than me, but he also looked a little angry. Minho stopped hugging me and then Chuck came to me in tears. I held him close and had him sit on the bed with me and Newt.  Minho pulled up the chair and Alby stood by me and we were all together.

We stayed quiet to not wake Gally and they let me pester them with questions. I found out Will was Banished, I had been out for about two days, and what I thought was worst, Gally had been Stung. I heard about the Changing from Minho and it didn't sound fun. I felt guilty. I knew Gally was pissed about what happened to me and it only happened cause I was stupid. I felt tears in my eyes again but they dried when I felt Newt's arm around me. I knew it was my turn to be asked questions. Minho seemed eager to start.

"What did that slinthead do to you?"

"Minho," Newt said softly, "Give her time."

"No it's okay," I said. I was scared and embarrassed but I knew that they had to know. "Just please don't let me relive it anytime after this."

"Ya, whatever you need," Minho confirmed.

Newt put his hand on mine and I felt comforted. I felt even better when he whispered to me, "I would never, my love." 

He had said "my love." He had never done that before. I tried to brush it off as him trying to reassure me but I felt myself blush all the same.

"Alright," I said my smile fading back to reality. "Well, I guess it starts with dinnertime. Everyone had left to go eat but I stayed to finish the floor boarding on the third house because I was almost done. Will had stayed behind and offered to help me finish. He hadn't been so bad that day and I was hungry and thought that we could finish quicker if he helped me, which we did. I was going to go when he asked me if I could talk to him. And you know, other Gladers have come to me for advice before so I hadn't really thought much of it. He started complimenting me, sort of. Said he admired all I had done in such short time and then... then he... he..." I felt my voice break and my eyes well up with tears but I pressed on.

"Sorry. Then he kissed me," I felt Newt's hand tighten on mine. I think it was in encouragement and anger. I didn't care which. It helped me finish I think. "It was so forceful it pushed me to the ground. I guess he didn't care because he crawled on top of me and pinned me down." I was now crying as I said all of this. My voice grew softer too. Chuck had tears pouring down his face and Minho and Newt looked as pissed as ever. 

"When he finally broke the kiss is when I screamed. Then he pulled off my shirt, making me feel as vulnerable as ever. My arms were free so I tried to punch him but it did absolutely nothing. So I went to scream  again but he kissed me as forcefully as ever. I tried to turn away but he just kissed my neck and took off my pants. He wouldn't stop kissing me and I started crying. He went for my bra when all of a sudden he was gone. I saw you, Newt, and then I was out. I guess you know what happened after that." I finished quietly.

"Where is he?" Gally asked. I turned. I hadn't realized he was up. Nobody else knew either. His manner seemed a little different but Alby went ever to explain everything to him.

Then Clint and Jeff came in.

"Hey," Jeff greeted us. "Both our patients are up."

Jeff went by Alby to check on Gally and Clint came to me.

"Well, y/n, physically, you'll be fine. You may have scars on your wrists but you will fully heal. As far as mentally goes, you may need therapy. We will keep a close eye on you for a little while and decide whether or not that is necessary. Now, as that position would now fall to you being Mother of the Glade, you can't give yourself therapy so it would be left to Newt. In case you are wondering, Jeff and I treat physical wounds, not mental. With that said, you are free to go." Clint finished giving me a tight smile. He then walked over to help Jeff with Gally.

"Actually, y/n," Newt said looking at me with his sadness showing like never before in his eyes. "We need to talk, alone."

I felt a small surge of panic at being alone with a boy again but then I reminded myself it was Newt.

"Alright. Let's go," I said.

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