My Past and Our Future

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Newt helped me out of bed and down the stairs and into the Glade. I had been right: it was nighttime. I couldn't help but notice that Newt's limp was worse than before. I wondered what made it worse, but I also wondered what had made it exist at all. Newt was a careful person, I doubt that he did that on purpose. 

Newt took me to the tree houses. I noticed that the flooring for ten were done and two houses were fully built. I was impressed at what they had gotten done in just two days. 

"This one is mine," Newt said pointing to the house that looked out on the Glade. "The other one that is done it Alby's and Minho's is going to be the one closest to the Map Room."

"Which one is my house?" I asked casually. I felt bad mentioning my own house but Newt chuckled and looked embarrassed.

"Well, we'll talk about that. Are you okay coming into my house? If not I totally understand why." Newt added quickly. I partly wanted to yell that he didn't understand but I nodded. If there was anyone I felt safe with it was Newt.

He climbed the ladder first and I followed. He pulled me up when I reached the top and I was a little impressed. He had a bed that could fit two people on it (which I didn't understand because he was going to live here alone) and had a small table with two chairs at it. I figured that was for when he was meeting with someone.

"Wow, Newt," I said. "I'm impressed. It's really nice."

He seemed overjoyed at my words. I kept looking around when I suddenly noticed a note sitting on the bed. Newt caught my eye and quickly stood in front of me.

"I will get to that. I promise," he said looking a little perplexed. I wondered why he was acting so weird. He was all hasty and anxious. I didn't like it.

"Newt, what's wrong?" I asked. "You're acting funny. And why does your bed have room for two people. It's a waste of supplies."

"Actually, my love, we were hoping it would save supplies. I am going to explain. Please take a seat." He added and gestured towards the table. I sat down and saw him grab the note from his bed and then he joined me. I was wondering about that note, but I was blushing again from him saying "my love." I kind of hoped he would keep it.

"Alright, y/n," he said settling down. "I have this letter for you, but I want you to not freak out, okay?"

I nodded and a little bashfully, he handed over the letter.

I read and reread it about a million times. This was a letter to Newt from me. From before the Maze. I guess it explained how he knew I could sing and why he was so nice to me. It also told me why he seemed vaguely familiar. I felt myself on the verge of tears again. I had a past. A life. And Newt was in it. He seemed just as sweet there as he did here.

Newt waited patiently for me to process this. I looked up and smiled. He seemed relieved I wasn't pissed.

"How did you get this?" I asked.

"Chuck," he answered softly. "He came up with it hidden under his shirt like he was hiding it. I didn't really believe it at first but when you came, I had to find out. Obviously you had the same name, but then you also sang the same song from the note. I knew it had to be you. And you know what y/n? I do love you. You are brave, kind, witty, intelligent, compassionate, absolutely beautiful. You are everything. You are my everything. I can't lose you or have you hurt or have you go around the Glade for another day without knowing that. And once you are done with your questions I have one of my own. Go ahead. Ask me anything you want."

My mind was racing. I was smiling and I couldn't stop. He loved me. Newt loved me. I felt my chest exploding with joy.

"I love you too Newt. I think I always have. And before I ask anything I want you to know something. When I first woke up I wanted to leave. I wanted to go to the Glade alone and go die. I felt so worthless and alone. I'm sorry," I finished crying. Newt had that look of sadness in his eyes plastered to his face as well.

"Never. Please I can't lose you." he begged softly. I hugged him and held him close for a little while.

"Alright," I said breaking the hug. "I only have one question for you Newt. Why do you have your limp?"

Newt looked at me. His sadness never leaving his face.

"I used to be a Runner. I was fast. I did good work. But i absolutely hated this place. It all seemed so pointless. No answers or memories. No point. One day, I got in an argument and I ran to the Maze and... and I started climbing the vines up the wall." he said his voice breaking. I felt tears pouring down my face as he kept going. "I jumped. I wanted to die. It was so stupid. I didn't go up high enough and so I just hurt my ankle, badly. Alby found me. He's the only one who knew what happened. I've had the limp ever since."

"Newt, I'm so sorry," I said with tears running down my cheeks. "You won't ever feel alone again. I promise."

Newt wiped away his tears. I had never seen him cry before. 

"Y/N, i have a very important question for you. I know you've been here for a little while and we may only be like seventeen years old, but mentally we are around thirty. We are strong. We work hard. I want to be with you in this shuck life so I have to know: y/n, will you marry me?" He asked sounding so hopeful and pulling out a little ring that seemed to be an actual ring.

I felt my heart pounding. I was so happy that I knelt down with him and kissed him, hard. Not forceful, just passionate. He kissed me back and I broke away to say yes before kissing him again. He smiled and we stopped so he could slide the ring on my finger. It was a little loose but I didn't care. He kissed me one last time before breaking away.

"So you'll live here right?" he asked joyfully.

"Of course," I responded gleefully. "But only after we have been married. Understood?"

He nodded. He held my hand and told me to sleep in the bed tonight and he would go sleep in a sleeping bag after talking to Alby.

I didn't argue and went on the bed to sleep. It took forever to fall asleep for Newt wouldn't leave my mine.



I left y/n to sleep while I went off to tell Alby. I was smiling and I knew I couldn't stop. Y/N was going to marry me. 

Alby was just leaving Gally when I caught up with him. 

"Alby," I called out. He turned and came toward me.

"Is everything okay? How is Y/N?" he asked seeming concerned.

"Oh she's fine. Great actually. Listen Alby, I asked y/n to marry me," I told him flat out.

Alby's eyes seemed to bulge before he broke into smile.

"Well congratulations Newt. We've never had anything like this before. Lets plan on it being next week before the new Greenie gets here," Alby said smiling.

I beamed. "Good that," I said. I was going to marry y/n. The best woman ever. I got zero sleep that night.

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