The Tour

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I was rather happy at this schedule change. Newt was way less intimidating than Alby. We didn't go anywhere right away though. It seemed as though the tour started here.

"Alright, don't interrupt because trust me when I say it will take longer. So, no questions. As I'm sure you can tell, this is the gardens. We grow and plant our food here with the supplies from the Box. We grow tomatoes, apples, grapes, cabbage, and a few other things. Alright, that wraps up the gardens. Shall we move on?"

I wanted to ask a million questions before going anywhere but I just nodded because I wanted to finish the tour as soon as possible so I could ask my questions.

We started moving towards the other corner of the Glade. I noticed that Newt had a rather bad limp and then I had yet another question: how did Newt get that limp? We stopped about halfway through at the cement building. "This is the Slammer," Newt began. "This is where you get to stay if you do something bad. Now, if you break one of the three rules, you'll wish you could stay in the Slammer. Oh, which reminds me, the three rules are one, do your part, two, never hurt another Glader, and three, never go outside the walls. Unless you are a runner that is, but we will get to that later. Let's keep moving."

We walked to the other corners one by one. We never spoke to each other in actual conversation. We would just stop at a building or place and he would explain it's significance. The Deadheads rather freaked me out. I felt like their graves should be a bit more sentimental than warnings. Winston also creeped me out over at the Bloodhouse. I couldn't see how one could be fine killing animals nonstop. Newt seemed to notice my discomfort though so we left. I was very grateful. We went to the Box, where he explained how it brings supplies weekly and people monthly. My favorite place was by far the kitchen. Frypan was incredibly kind and he gave me and Newt a cookie. 

I rather liked the Keepers. Frypan was really nice. I also liked the Keeper of the Builders, Gally. He seemed really stern but he was really nice to me. Newt didn't seem to like him too much though. Newt was quiet and shy but I could tell he was a good person. He also seemed to have a line of authority here though he wasn't a Keeper which confused me. I was thinking about it as we walked and figured he must be like a second in charge or something. Winston was rather creepy, but he didn't seem mean or anything. Zart was pretty chill and the Medjacks were really nice. The only Keeper I didn't meet was the Keeper of the Runners, but Newt said I could meet him at the bonfire after dinner.

We finally finished the tour around dinner time. Funnily enough, Newt actually answered most of my questions. He explained things rather clearly and firmly. He didn't go into too much detail, he just kept is simple. It was rather perfect.

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