Day One

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I woke up the next day with Newt sleeping on my chest. I didn't think that there could be a sweeter way to wake up. I knew I woke up early because it was still dark out, but I could still see a little light from the rising sun.

I just lay in bed and played with Newt's hair while I waited till it was a reasonable time to be up. After about ten minutes Newt woke up. I thought it was my fault and felt bad.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't mean to wake you," I said smiling apologetically.

"It's alright my love," he said looking up at me, "Now I get to see your beautiful face and I don't think there is a prettier sight to wake up to." 

I beamed down at him and kissed him. Softly. He broke it to sit up and kneel over my legs. He kissed me again, a little harder but no less genuine. My hands held his face and tangled his hair while his hands were on my back, holding me close to him.

We laid down together and waited for the day to come.

I got dressed in proper day clothes (blue jeans and a purple tank top) and went down the ladder and to the kitchen. I had some eggs for breakfast and I decided to eat in the kitchen with Fry. He only let me eat in the kitchen since I could work with him there. Everyone else had to eat at the tables.

Everyone that saw me that day congratulated me. It was my first day as a newly wed wife. Unfortunately, I couldn't go on a honeymoon with Newt because we had nowhere to go and still had responsibilities around the Glade. 

After breakfast I went over to the Box. I knew that we were going to get a new Greenie today (so everyone who had called me Greenie could finally stop) and I thought I should greet them as Glade Mother. I personally felt that I could explain this place rather well. Not as good as Newt, but well.

Suddenly a thought occurred to me. Maybe Newt and I could give the tour together. Some extra time together would be nice. I decided to go ask him. I left the Box and ran over to the gardens. Zart greeted me upon arrival.

"Hey, y/n," he said. "Are you helping in the Gardens today or do you need Newt?"

"Newt," I said sweetly. "I was going to ask him if he wanted to help me introduce the new Greenie around the Glade. Though, I could help today while I wait for the new Greenie if you'd like?"

"That'd be great," he said. "You can go work with Newt in the tomato section."

I walked over there and saw Newt bent over treating the tomatoes. I snuck out on him and then tickled him from behind. He screamed and then fell down in a fit of giggles. He seemed a little pissed when he fell and got over the affect of the tickles but when he saw it was me he smiled.

"Ha ha," He laughed sarcastically.

He stood up and kissed me.

"I was wondering if you'd like to help me introduce the new Greenie today?" I asked hopefully.

"What?" he asked confused. "Didn't Gally tell you that he needed you today for the finishing touches on the tree houses? Alby was going to introduce the new Greenie."

"Oh, shuck!" I yelled. "Gally never told me! I have to go. Bye sweetie! I love you!"

I ran to the woods and found a pissed Gally awaiting me.

"Where the shuck were you?" he said practically spitting all the words out at me.

"I'm so sorry. I was caught up in thinking I was going to show the new Greenie around I completely forgot. Can you forgive me?" I asked hopefully. I didn't want to put any blame on Gally so I made it out to be my own fault. He seemed to drop his temper though so I'm assuming it worked.

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