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Hello po sa lahat ng bumabasa! Stay happy 😄😄😄 thank youuu


April 24 ,2021


Ever had that feeling of excitement and Nervousness and anxiety and cold feet? Well ngayon I'm going through it. Tila ba ako nasa kahabaan ng EDSA dahil di ako makaalis alis sa feeling na to. I'm stuck with it like a leech hanging on to me.

Inch by inch, little by little, as I wore my fabulous wedding dress, I felt the gush of happiness in me. The flashes of future passing by my thoughts at a 24knots a mile. The white fabric went from my collarbone to the midpoint of my upper arms. Then it flows down like a waterfalls to my feet and rushes long like a water waving towards the shore. Coleen helped me with my hair, it was bunned up with a few strands hanging from every angle to add spice and aura to the wholeness of my attire.

As I sat on the wooden chair out on my porch, I looked at the wide wild ocean of the pacific. It was beautiful and calm at the moment, but as deep as you go, the more dangerous it becomes. The great extent of the waters shows up the edge of the world known as the horizon. And in that horizon, one person was walking slowly... Hands on his back and head up high. I looked at it closely and saw that it was a cloud forming a shape of a man. A few seconds later it dissolved into thin air and was converted into mist.

Now back I look to the wide wild ocean. Then I saw a few waves rush in. I then remembered something from the past. Someone once told me that I was like the ocean. He said that I was as beautiful and as magnificent as it is. But I was also dangerous, in a way that I could drown ones soul in the waves of my love and in my angelic complexity. Also the depth of my thoughts goes as deep as the trench goes. But he said, as he swam deeper in it, he sees inexplicable beauty and a wide range of genuinity that God only destined for him to see.

I smiled as I looked back towards the horizon. Then I chuckled. I also remembered another thing. I also told the same man something about oceans. I looked him in the eye smiling and said...

I am the ocean yes I am. Of beauty and Of grace I am composed of. But do you remember back at mid grade, the teacher told us, that the ocean's color, the hue of blue, comes from the power of reflection given by the great wide wild sky? He then smiled at me. I then continued. So if I am the ocean, then you surely are the sky... For I drown in the cloud of your thoughts and you blind me with the light of your sunshine. I am the ocean and only to you I reflect. The sky is what makes up my blue hue of beauty and wildness. I am only dangerous and wild without the sky. We are a mere connection of gravity. For when you are blue, so am I, if you cry, I rage of waves. Yet gravity plays an important part to our great wide distance between each other.

If there is no gravity, there would be no blue sky nor blue ocean. No magnificent highness and no depth of trenches. Then we would not be meeting nor see each other if there is no gravity that is giving us space. The gravity is responsible for destiny. It pulls us upward, downward, to both sides, together or even apart. We are the mirrors of each other, reflections of each. Again I am your ocean and you are my sky.

I smiled and looked at the horizon, the sun was still far from setting. The heat was just at the finest of its temperature. The smell of salt water breeze penetrates under my nasals. I then checked the time on the screen of my phone. It read 2:30pm... I stood up and said goodbye to the pondering thoughts that I left on my porch. Then I went downstairs and walked beside the house on where there are two chairs with a palm tree between it. I walked to it and smiled at the thought of how much it had grown since Richard and Her last went there.

She held her hand and slowly removed the old diamond studded ring and layed it down in the chair. she smiled and whispered farewell to it.

"I need to welcome my future na ha? Time to replace you with another ring..."

She said as she walks away slowly, leaving the old ring to itself on the chair.

Gravity... How funny and powerful it is with destiny. It gets the authority to force people together and away from each other.

But then again, Richard remains to be her sky...


sorry po sa matagal n time before update 😁 i was busy with dtby art contest, I got unto top 10 sa week 1 haha i will pass another entry soon!

Dont be bored with this chapter po ah kasi everything up there is related to the next final chapter and for the last few chapters before this. Intindihin niyo po maige hehehe thankiee po!

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