"Let go." She husks and not seconds later, the older Latina's body complies. Her whole body convulses and Camila continues to steadily move her fingers in and out of the girl so that she can ride out her orgasm. When Lauren's body settles, Camila rolls off of her and lays next to her.

"That was..." Lauren breathes out.

"Yeah." Camila replies. They both lay there for a couple of minutes, trying to process what just happened. Lauren is broken from her thoughts when Camila slowly sits up and slides off the bed.

"Leaving so soon, Cabello?" Lauren props up on her elbows, a smirk on her face.

"Just going to shower." The younger girl smiles before turning around to enter the bathroom. Lauren allows her eyes to trail down to her wife's ass as she walks to the bathroom in the nude. The green-eyed girl thrashes around excitedly on the bed as soon as she hears the shower start running. She squeals and then pulls her phone out to text Dinah about what just happened. Captain needs to know what's going on with her ship and Lauren needs to gush about the amazing, unexpected sex she just had with her wife.

Camila takes a long, hot shower and when she gets out, she sees that she has a missed call and voicemail from an unknown number. She presses play and brings the phone to her ear.

Cute stunt you pulled tonight, Camilla. Enjoy your time with Lauren, but just know if you continue to see her, I'm going to have to give her a taste of what I give you. You don't want that, do you baby? We both know you know exactly what I'm capable of. So be a good little bitch and come back home to me. 

Camila presses the home button and after crying silently for a few minutes, she decides to make a call.

"Hi, yeah it's Camila Cabello. I can be there this week if it's a good time for you guys." She listens for a response. "Yeah, I'll leave tonight and I can be there by tomorrow." Pause. "Yes, I'll be able to stay for at least a month. That won't be a problem."

She hangs up the phone after saying her goodbyes and when she exits the bathroom, she sees Lauren sleeping soundly on the bed. Her heart beats quickly and breaks all at once and she didn't know that was possible. Not until Lauren. She quickly slides her clothes back on and writes out a long note addressed to the girl who has given her life purpose.

Now, she must leave to keep her safe.

Camila does know what Austin is capable of and he's shown her over and over again and Camila just can't let him hurt Lauren. The green-eyed girl means to much to her. After writing the note, she drops the pen and quietly walks to the side of the bed that Lauren is laying on. She carefully lays the note by Lauren's phone on the nightstand.

"I'm sorry, Lo. Please don't hate me for this." Camila whispers as a tear drops to her cheek. "I'm doing this for you, to keep you safe. Just like you did for me when you put me on that plane." The younger girl slowly bends down and ghosts her lips over Lauren's. She presses down lightly on them and allows her own to linger on Lauren's for a beat longer than she should. She pulls away slowly and brings a hand up and lays it on the sleeping girl's ivory cheek. Her thumb lightly brushes over the girl's cheek momentarily before she drops her hand back to the side and exits the bedroom.

She creeps down the stairs, careful not to wake Lauren's friends who are passed out on the sofa. When she gets outside, she calls an Uber and when it gets to the house, she is chauffeured to the airport

Lauren wakes up the next morning and the smile that crosses her face after remembering the night before, is immediately replaced with a frown when she realizes that she's alone in the bed. She looks around and her frown deepens when there's no trace of Camila anywhere in the room. No clothes. Nothing.

Maybe she's downstairs eating breakfast, Lauren thinks as she throws on a sweatshirt and sweatpants. When she goes to grab her phone from the nightstand, she sees a note laying beside it. She picks it up, recognizing the hand writing almost immediately.


Last night was... well I can't even find the words to explain how phenomenal last night was. I can't find the words to begin to explain how much you mean to me. I care so much about you and because I do, I had to leave. I'm going to record an EP in California. An EP full of songs that are about a girl with green eyes. After my accident, I read back through some of my old songs and wondered why I mentioned green eyes in 80% of the songs that I wrote. Even the songs I wrote after the attack focused on green eyes and I racked my brain trying to figure out where my obsession with the color green came from. Then I met you and I just knew. I guess that even after the attack, something in me knew that my heart belonged to you. Honestly, I think something in me will always know that. I hope you can forgive me for leaving, but I don't trust Austin enough not to hurt you and him hurting you just not something I can ever let happen. I never want him to do to you what he's done to me. I can't let him fuck you up too. You mean too much to me. Take care of yourself, green eyes.

I'll be seeing ya,


p.s. I'm sorry...

Lauren just drops the letter from her hands, her own heart dropping to the floor alongside it.

Come Back, Be Here (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now