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Rapmon's pov ~ Yoongi "I abused and left her because I didn't want our parents to be dissapointed in me so they said if I was brave enough to abuse her then I would become an Idol. When we were on our way to my audition we got into a crash well they did but I was already auditioning and heard about the crash and saw my parents dead and sister in a coma. I left her because I was proud at myself for getting in so I continued to practice with you guys in our trainee days but did you guys remember the call I got?" Everyone except the owner because she left to talk to try to talk to Y/N nodded. Yoongi "Yea that call was the hospital saying that she woke up but I ignored her and now she's in this bad state all because of me." he started to let 6 tears drop until we heard a scream. We ran to Y/N's room and saw her with a knife near the owners neck. Y/N "Unnie you don't know about my life so don't even try to pry into business if your not involved." The owner nodded and Y/N put the knife away, I see that her stuff is already packed so I carefully took it and looked at Y/N and she nodded signaling me it was safe to take her stuff but when Jungkook picked up a small black suitcase something was wrong. Jungkook "Y/N why is this luggage heavy?" Y/N quickly like really fast ran to Jungkook and took the case and put it on her bed. SERIOUSLY IS SHE A FUCKING NINJA?!! Y/N "You guys really want to see what's inside?" We nodded and the owner left probably already knew what it is so she left and said that we can leave whenever we want. Anyways when Y/N opened the case the top part was filled with a high class gun and lots of ammo and at the bottom half of it was filled with pocket knifes and videos. Don't tell me she self taught herself all of this protection stuff. Y/N "Yes I self taught myself all of this." WTF CAN SHE READ MY MIND?! Y/N "No because your saying this out loud." showing her emotionless face and voice. I blushed a little from embarrassment. The other half of the case at the bottom was a black box that had Y/N's name on it in white. She took the box out and it showed this

 She took the box out and it showed this

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Our eyes widened and she just kept on her emotionless face

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Our eyes widened and she just kept on her emotionless face.

Jin's pov ~ Y/N kept all of this? anyways I'll let her keep it cause I don't want to die. When I looked at Y/N she kept looking at the time with a cold face. When she looked at the time one last time she told me to call the cops to arrive at our place and tell then that it's Y/N and send about 10 cops ASAP. I obeyed and she went to her room and came back with some of her knifes from the box and in a black hoodie and black shorts then stood by the door until she heard the door ring. I was about to get the door but she stop me and said to go back to the living room and not come out until she said so. We were curious so we hid behind a wall and watched her. Y/N opened the door that reveled 5 men dressed in black hoodies, Y/N walked out and closed the door and we ran to the window that shows our front lawn. All of our eyes widened as we saw something we should have never seen. Y/N ON HER OWN fighting the 5 men, all of them was on the floor stabbed or bruised and can't get up except for one. He tried charging at Y/N when her back was facing him and just when he was 12 inches away she did a back-flip and gave the guy a headlock until he fainted. After that the cops came and Y/N showed them a... POLICE BADGE WTF. The cops took the guys in their car and thanked Y/N for the help. Y/N turned around to walk back in the house so we ran back into the living room before she came in , She walked in and walked into the living room I can see her perfectly fine except the blood on the knifes and her wrist and knuckles. Y/N"I know you guys were watching me." Shit. Me "I'm sorry Y/N I should've listened to you please don't hurt me." I said while all of our eyes were closed and after 5 mins we didn't hear anything so we opened our eyes and found Y/N gone. DAMN NINJA. Y/N yelled "Just so you know I will need to talk to all of you." After she said that she came down with the knifes and cleaned them and put them back in the box, She walked over to us. Y/N"Do you guys understand English?" We all shook our heads except Rapmon. Y/N sighed. Y/N"Did you guys see the badge I showed the police?" We all nodded and she continued. Y/N "I'M a helper to them so If I caught any bad guys I would pretend to either be like them or join them and lead them somewhere and tell them a time, then I would do like what you guys saw me do outside and call the cops before all of that happenes, Now anything more you would like to know?" Jungkook "Can we see your body?" She hesitated and nodded. She took off her shirt and she was wearing shorts so the only clothes on her is shorts and sports bra. It showed many scars and bruises and cuts, but caught our eyes was a huge cut/scar on her back. Yoongi touched it softly and we see her flinch and instantly pointed a knife at him, this isn't the Y/N Yoongi told us about why is her eyes so dark

Don't mind the drawing just focus on the eyes it's those colors and have a depression type and half closed don't get creeped out about the girl though

Don't mind the drawing just focus on the eyes it's those colors and have a depression type and half closed don't get creeped out about the girl though

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Taehyung's pov ~ Wae/why is Y/N's eyes like this

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Taehyung's pov ~ Wae/why is Y/N's eyes like this. Y/N "Don't touch me Min Yoongi, I don't care if you are my older brother but I just need to stay away from you for a while." Idon't know about you but I and just feel that everyone's heart broke but not Y/N's. She walked back into her room and never came out. It was dinner time and Jin went to her room to call her but there was no answer so he went inside and found Y/N and half of her stuff gone mostly her clothes are here but everything else is gone. Jin ran back. Jin "Y/N's gone, she's not in her room!" we all ran to her room and it was true she was gone.    Y/N where are you?

Sorry for not writing in a long time I had school and Iowa Assessments anyways thx for reading! 

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