I love you//Seventeen

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(A/N- ""=Korean Bold = English {} = Chinese)

Minghao's pov~ When I opened the door I saw Y/N!? Why is she here, She's supposed to be at the hospital, how did she get here? There were so many questions going through my head until she spoke. Y/N "Doctor Lee took me here because he said I alright so-" Jun "Minghao who's at the door- Y/N what are you doing here why aren't you at the hospital? Wait why are you sweating and look so pal- Y/N!!" I felt something grab my arm and I was Y/N but she was on the ground crouched and breathing heavily, I put my hand on her forehead, ME "Hyung she's burning take her to my room and put her on my bed." Jun nodded and did what I said. I went to get a towel soaked in water and ran to my room and put the towel on her forehead then I told the other members to get medicine for her and I made instant porridge and ordered dinner for us. After the food arrived I set everything up and set up on the table and food on the tray for Y/N. Me "Guys dinners ready!" Everyone came except for Jun so I went to check up on him and found him still next to Y/N. Me "Gwenchana? I already finished eating so I'll watch her now go eat."-Time skip to next morning-

Y/N"s pov ~ I woke up with something warm on my waist so I turned around and see Minghao sleeping soundly next to me. I didn't realize that I was smiling until I heard a knock on the door. I looked at the door and see Wonwoo, Wonwoo "He switched places with Jun since Jun needed to eat, Anyways do you remember anything that happened yesterday? and how you feeling?" Me "Ani I don't but anyways I'm feeling alright." After brushing my teeth and hair + changing I went back in to the room which now I realize it's Minghao's room, I tried waking Minghao up by shaking him but it didn't work so I went to Woozi's room and find him still sleeping to. Ugh Boys haha. I tried the same method on Woozi to but it didn't work so I pecked him on the cheek and he woke up, when he saw me his eyes widen. Woozi "Your awake? And did you just kiss my cheek?" He said while smirking. Me "Ne and Love you too bro." I left and went back to Minghao's room and this time I pecked his lips and he finally woke up. Me "I love you too." I ran out to my room and Minghao was chasing me but sadly he caught me. I noticed a box and asked "What's that?" Minghao "I don't know open it and see for yourself." I got suspicious and opened the box that revealed a beautiful crown ring and half of a heart necklace. There was a note so of course I read it. Me "Wait where's the other half of the necklace?" Minghao "I don't know right here?"  I saw him pointing to his chest so I went closer to him and I saw the other half, I smiled. Me "Yes I will accept so I'll be your girlfriend and I love you." Suddenly I got picked up and got twirled around. (Wished that happened to me ToT) I also heard clapping. Seventeen "Finally you guys are dating it took you guys long enough haha." Me "Wait you planned all of this by yourself?" Minghao "Well the idea was mine and everyone else helped me earn money to buy the necklace and rings, and I have to pay them back by not breaking your heart and food. By the way I ordered dinner for all of us so now I don't need to pay back the food part." Everyone "Kamsahamnida Minghao!"

Hey hoped you liked this mini story the next one is gunna be about VIXX I'll make the story tomorrow.

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