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GD's pov Y/N was still asleep so I decided that I should tell the others after she goes home. After a few hours everyone is still at the hospital in Y/N's room because they are worried. Later Y/N woke up and saw me but all of a sudden she started crying and said "I thought I lost you Dragon oppa." " Stop crying I will always be here to protect you." When she stopped crying she saw others and asked me "Dragon oppa who are these people?" Everyone was shocked and some even started crying. I felt bad for not telling them yet but it's only for now. "What does she mean hyung." " I was going to tell you guys when we get home but I guess I have to tell you now, Y/N has amnesia and doesn't remember anyone else except for me and our parents." The guys all start crying and some left so they could get fresh air.

Y/N's pov Everyone started crying and I didn't know why until i started having these flashbacks and shows the exact same people in the room. I suddenly started crying and said "Mianhae for forgetting you but I remember now."  After saying everyone's name I started to remember all of my other memories of being abused and for some reason I even remembered the memory me almost being raped until Jay Park from 2pm saved me. ^Time skip to 2 years^

Third person pov ~ Y/N and everyone got to know each other more because of Y/N living with all the groups some even started to develop feelings for her but decided to keep it inside them. Y/N was having a fun and good time with them that every time she hears someone say to her like "she's sexy." she would always blush hard. She found her other brother who was in Astro and it was Eunwoo. They all had a nice life and loved each other. The end

Anyway I hoped you liked this fanfiction even though it didn't have all the groups I'm making another story so don't worry.

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